Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Je veux. Eu Quero. I Want

The list of things I want is ridiculous.

I have a wish list a mile long.

Here's just some of the wants I really want right now, that I have been working on for the past week:

  • A Kindle (I want to read)
  • A Windows 8x HTC phone (It came out two weeks after I upgraded to my iPhone, and now I really want one..)
  • White pants (The look is in and adorable, and I don't have a pair!)
  • A new bikini (I haven't bought a new one in at least 3 years)
  • Make that a maillot ^^
  • A snuggie (Don't judge)
  • A makeup bag (I still use my pencil pouch from middle school to store my on-the-go makeup... I am way overdue an update)
  • Another shoe rack (I have one, but I have WAY more shoes than I have shoe rack space)
  • A kitchen (I'm tired of frozen foods and Chick-fil-A... I need to move out into a house/apartment with a kitchen so I can feed myself!)
  • Cooking supplies (Along with that kitchen I'm going to need pots, pans, cooking devices like Crock pots and rice steamers, measuring cups, and food)
  • Cooking skills (Let's ignore the fact that I almost burned my dorm room down by trying to warm up a cookie...)
  • Waist belts! (I finally bought one black one, but now I need them in every color to make me happy)
  • More peplum! (I have a newly acquired obsession with peplum and two skirts is not enough!)
  • More skirts! (Same as above, except 5 skirts total is not enough!)
  • The entirety of the Kate Spade store (This requires no explanation)
  • A month long, all expenses paid trip to France (S'il vous plait!)
  • A pair each of Louboutins, Manolos, and Jimmy Choos (A girl can dream can't she??)
  • A watch! (Why is it so hard to find a cute and affordable feminine watch??)

Maybe I should have posted this BEFORE my birthday... Oh well... Maybe I'll post another one before Christmas!

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