Sunday, April 21, 2013

Business Major Wardrobe Problems

The biggest wardrobe problem with being a business major is... Too many cute clothes to pick from!!!

I have a friend who teases me by saying that the only reason I'm a business/law major is because I like wearing professional clothes. She's partially right. I couldn't do a job where I can't wear cute clothes. So no uniforms for me!

Anyways, of course my obsession with adorable professional outfits just leads to Pinterest boards dedicated to my office wear and my classy outfits. Along with a TON of Polyvore fun. (Yes, this is another Polyvore post) So here are some of the business outfits I've created recently (If only I had the money to buy them...)

I am so obsessing over this outfit. It's perfect. If I could, I would wear it to work EVERY day! That is, if I worked in an office already, and could wear cute clothes instead of my icky, black, shapeless uniform. And I wouldn't really wear anything everyday. I don't even repeat the same outfit in the same month. It's probably an every other month kinda thing for me actually. I like to stay original with my outfits. But I could totally do like 10 different colors of this exact same outfit, the top/skirt/belt ensemble anyways. And just to point out my too-expensive taste, here's a fun fact. Those bow earrings are Kate Spade and they cost $50. What? $50 for a pair of studs??? I think $10 for a set of 6 is a lot! I need to start making more money very soon to keep up with this expensive taste of mine!

And of course, after complaining about expensive stuff, I pick out another pair of Louboutins. My wardrobe struggle is real guys, talk about first world problems. I think the cheapest thing on this outfit is the hair pins, and those are $12.50 I think. On the other hand, I'm totally liking the fact that I was able to find hair pins, studs, necklace, AND bracelet with the little flower mold! I wasn't exactly digging the bracelet, but it just went so well with the theme of the outfit, I couldn't help myself. Too cute.

Speaking of struggles, I went through a good 50 pages worth of blazers trying to find one that matched those pants. I got tired of looking, realized that this was a battle that I was going to lose, and went with navy instead. Oh well, you can't win them all. Although I just noticed that I picked the same pair of shoes for this outfit as I did for the first one... I almost went back to change the shoes, but then I remembered that I also had to try on a lot of shoes for this one too. I almost, ALMOST, picked a pair of flats, but they didn't look good on the picture, so too bad for them. Heels win again. Putting this outfit together was a true struggle for me, but it came out looking great! (Can you tell I like the navy look yet?) I'm also really proud of myself for putting together an outfit with pants instead of a skirt. I need something for the cold seasons too!

Here's one for the spring! I'm not 100 per cent sold on wearing this to the office, just because the blouse is slightly too informal, but I think I could, maybe, pull it off as office wear. Anyways, I picked out two different pairs of shoes for the two possibilities. The cute floral wedges for the day out of the office without the jacket, and the pumps to wear when I gotta go to the office and I'll throw on the jacket for that finished down-to-business look.

And for my final look today

Yes, I did navy again. I was really trying to find something not navy, but then this Michael Kors dress just screamed at me and I had to pick it. I would probably never dare to put a jacket over this dress, so the blazer is there just cause I always pick a jacket, just in case it gets too chilly to handle. This one and the first one are my favorites. It's just so clean and sophisticated and classy, I can't contain my excitement for this outfit. If only it were mine...

I could spend all day long making outfits on Polyvore! Especially cute business-y ones. I'm going to be the most fashionable gal out in the professional world!

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