Tuesday, February 19, 2013

College Problems

College. Ugh. It's a love-hate relationship.

First off, I LOVE going to school and learning. It's great. There is all this endless knowledge in the world that I want and need to fit into my tiny little head.
The unfortunate part(s) is the lack of sleep and social interaction prevalent in my life, and homework. That's the hate part of the relationship. And the real reason I don't like homework is because of the first reason, because otherwise, I would love to sit at home all day with my books and read my homework assignments (only now that I'm in all Political Science classes and all we have to do is read, I'm not so sure I'd be saying the same thing if I had a math class this semester and had homework that involved an entire sheet of paper for one calculus problem..).

Then there's work. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job and what I do. I've had six different jobs and I can tell you hands-down, Chick-fil-A is my favorite place to work. That's probably what makes this crazy schedules life of mine so bearable, the fact that I actually do like school and my job.

Point is, I'm an idiot. And because I'm an idiot, I signed up for an 8am class this semester, knowing that I don't get home from work until 11 30ish and I never go to sleep until way past the next day into 1 or 2am (as you can tell by last night's blog post).
I need to wake up an hour and a half to two hours before my first class, because that's how long it takes me to roll out of bed, check my e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and texts (not necessarily in that order), get dressed (usually twice, cause I don't like something with the first outfit), go through my morning beautification/health process which involves my face and lots of soaps and toners and whatnot, apply make up, check Facebook and Twitter again, grab my bag, laptop, and purse, and run out the door, barely making it to class on time.

So of course, after going to sleep at 2am last night, I overslept this morning and I missed my 8am class.... again. For probably the 4th time. Again.

It really is unfortunate because I really like that professor and class and he's really funny. Once I get into class, it's not hard to stay awake at all, but getting to class has been a serious issue for me. I'm used to straight 9 30am classes across the board, and those are even challenging for me to get to on time.

It's a shame, but the class has been dropped this morning ): I can't have that nasty participation part of the grade (which is usually my best part, because I talk.. A LOT) bring my grade and GPA down.

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