Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Disney Wedding Dresses

I'm on a Disney Wedding spree here, in case you didn't notice.

And I have probably visited this website more times than is healthy.

Everything on this website is like a dream come true. Seriously. For a wedding and Disney obsessed girl like me, this is the best web site in the world, as it provides me with the best of both worlds!

For the longest time, they only had two collections, and I have seriously looked at those dresses so many times that I think I have them memorized... But they just came out with a third collection!!!

Anyways, I'm going to share some of my favorites from each of the collections.

I'll start with the most recent Collection Three (Each of the collections includes a dress for each princess: Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, and Tiana, with the exception of Collection One, which does not include a dress for Rapunzel... she wasn't out yet when that collection came out)

First up we have my personal favorite princess, Belle*, although not my favorite dress. While the bodice is gorgeous, there's too much draping and pleating going on for my taste, although I do love the little gems on the tucks.

Next up we have Cinderella's dress. Extremely elegant. The bodice is super simple with the exception of a gorgeous crystal and pearl embellishment, and the skirt is absolutely stunning.

Here is Princess Rapunzel's dress. I love the simplicity and the beading, although I'm not a big fan of the skirt starting so low.

Princess Aurora is second only to Belle in my book. My cousin is named after her Prince Phillip,** named by me! And this dress is absolutely stunning. Like seriously, you have to go to the link and hover over the bodice to see the amazing detail in the little flowers embroidered on it. I'm not a big fan of the extra tulle on the waist, especially since her dress doesn't have all that extra frou frou in the first place.

Collection Two is my favorite of the collections and you'll soon see why.

First up, we have Princess Ariel, and honestly, this is probably my favorite of all the dresses. For a while, I thought this would be the dress I would be married in, but I've found a much better dress now that I can't share or else Luis will see it and we all know that's bad luck! Anyways, I love the one shoulder look, I'm a big fan of it in general. I also love how the whole dress bunches up right underneath the bodice and cascades down in those ruffles. It's definitely an unconventional wedding dress, and my taste has changed for my own personal choice of dress. However, this dress is still one of my favorites to look at and dream.

Next we have Belle again. That bejeweled corset bodice is gorgeous. I feel like anyone would shine in that. Although I would personally prefer a more traditional bodice as opposed to a corset. And, I don't like the top layer of tulle. If it were just the bottom layer of tulle, I would think it was the perfect skirt!

Simple is elegant, and this Princess Rapunzel dress screams that. I love everything about it! The dress is extremely simple, yet the sash is so refined and delicate that it makes the dress seem that much more elegant. I'm not sure how I feel about the swirled taffeta at the bottom, but it's still a gorgeous dress.

Here we have Snow White's dress. I will start off by saying that I hate that puff ball tulle with all my heart, but if you mentally remove it, the dress becomes stunning. The satin bodice is so elegant and beautiful. It wraps around so nicely, with the flower sash. And if you ignore the puff ball, the skirt is equally as beautiful and elegant.

I'm not a big fan of the bodices that end too low, but it works in this Tiana dress quite well. I love the crystal infused upper bodice, as well as the fluffy skirt at the bottom.

I only have three dresses to show from the first collection, but that's also the collection with the least amount of dresses, so I won't say it's my least favorite collection, especially since some of my favorite dresses are in it.

As simple as this Princess Jasmine dress is, it is stunning. I would never wear it to my own wedding, but please Disney, release this in different colors so I can wear it everywhere else!

Oh Aurora, how beautiful. I love the one shoulder effect. I love the fitted bodice. I love the crystal beading. I love the gossamer tulle skirt.

What isn't there to love about this Snow White gown? Apple blossoms cover the entire bodice, and they trail down into the skirt as well. The satin sash adds a level of elegance to the dress that really finishes the look. I love it!

The website also used to have a special bonus collection of only three dresses, but it's no longer on the site. Or at least I can't find it. I didn't really love any of the dresses in that special collection anyways, so I'm not complaining.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my dream dress collection!

*If I were to go to Disney and play the role of one of the princesses, I would play Princess Belle. She is beautiful, a bookworm, and French. I'm a total bookworm and obsessed with French! We're a match made in Heaven!
**My cousin's name is spelled Phillipe, though.

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