Monday, April 29, 2013

Just Another Crazy Busy Bee Weekend

What a week!

This past week... I don't even know where to start!

I guess I'll pick up where I left off.

So last Wednesday I wake early and go to class. I sit through a boring anthropology lecture. Then I get a text from my boss boss (like the Operator/Owner boss). He asked me to come in for a photo shoot release.

What? Photo shoot? All he had to say was that there were cameras involved and I would have been there in a jiffy. That's just the type of girl I am. I love pictures!

And I'm feeling pretty special too, because we both have iPhones, so I would have been able to see if he had sent the same text to multiple people in a group message, and it was a private. I felt so special! Although I'm sure he texted more than just me (I later found out 5 of us had the interview), but still, give me my two seconds of glory and ego-raising glee.

But unfortunately, I had class. As much as I love pictures, finals start this week and I could't afford to miss any classes from now on. So I told him the soonest I could get there would be at 12 45 (He texted me at 10 30), and he said okay! Excited again!

So I leave class (please don't ask me what we talked about in class, because all my notebook has written in it is a bunch of pictures of cameras!), and walk straight to my car (Lulu is looking pretty good, pictures eventually!) and drive straight to Chick-Fil-A.

All I have to say is that I'm pretty glad that I dressed up cute in the morning. I pulled this sexy professional look with black leggings, a long white shirt, a black blazer, and these adorable black heels. And of course, the bright red lips. I think my bright red lips can turn any outfit into classy and sexy.

Black leggings and adorable black heels
Long white shirt and black blazer, not mention the cute necklace ;D
Bright red lips :*
I walk in, looking for the cameras, and my Operator calls me over to a table and there's a lady sitting down with a pile of papers and her laptop. He introduces us, jokes around that I speak 7 languages (Um, it's 4, let's not give people high hopes of me. I hate to disappoint), and leaves the two of us together. We make small talk for a little bit. The kind of stuff everyone over 25 asks us under 20 kids. "Where do you go to school? What do you want to do? Blah blah blah" I am a professional at answering those questions, no joke. I have my answer down pat. And of course, the following, "Oh my goodness you're so smart, you're going to go far, etc etc" came, as always. I have a slightly inflated ego when it comes to these kinds of things.

Then, we get to the juicy bit. She finally asks me if I know what I'm doing there, and of course, I have no clue. He said photo shoot, but I don't see any cameras, so at this point I just feel like he knows how to get me to drive 20 minutes from Kennesaw.

Then she tell me the good news. She is a talent scout! Eek! She recruits people to do modeling, take pictures, and do videos! The excitement is overwhelming!

Of course, I'll be in my Chick-fil-A uniform and the pictures are for CFA marketing and instructional videos for all the newbies coming in to teach how to do stuff in the stores. But still! I'll be on camera and people will be taking pictures of me and I'll be on video and hundreds and thousands of little newbie CFA team members will get to see me on their videos! That's publicity right there my dears!

This is only the first step! Next, someone will realize how amazing I am at doing CFA informational videos, and they'll start hiring me for commercials and movies and runways and red carpets and so much more! My future life is flashing before my eyes and I am super excited! And it all started in junior high when I posed for Samoa's 40th anniversary for Girl Scouts. I can feel the tears coming. Michael Kors, here I come!

Not to mention that the pay is really nice too. Almost double of what I'm making now. But I'd do it for less. Just the experience of being a model, regardless for whom, is amazing. I am a beautiful budding talent, waiting to be discovered! Here I come Hollywood!

Then the rest of Wednesday was just a normal day. School and work. Yay.

Then Thursday was an adventure all on it's own.

I woke up super early to head downtown. As a political science major (Yay international relations!) I have to do an observation report almost every semester. That means waking up super early, going to court for several hours, writing down everything that goes down, then writing a ten page essay on it. Whoop-dee-do.

So Thursday morning I drove to downtown to go to immigration court. When I go to look for a parking spot, I realize that I left my credit card with Luis so he could fix Lulu. That is slightly problematic when I am stuck in downtown Atlanta with an almost empty tank and no money. So I look all over my purse and car and pull together $4 and a few cents to pay for parking.

Then I go to court, hold my tears in as I watch the judge be a jerk to a poor immigrant, and issue him to leave the country. Ouch. As a Latina, watching people get deported hurts. I switched court rooms at one point to see another judge too. The second judge was sort of nicer, at least to me. He realized that I wasn't there for a court date and started asking me questions, and he answered a lot of my questions too. I got a ton of notes from talking to him, even though he was obviously one of those self-righteous judge's who thinks America is for Americans, so screw the immigrants. I sure had a hard time not expressing my own feelings on the issue. To me, personally, he was pleasant enough though.

Finding my car was the next big issue. I walked up and down downtown for a good 15 minutes before I remembered where I parked. Then I had to sprint in the opposite direction because my parking meter was about to expire. I managed to get there 2 minutes after my time expired, but the cop was on the other side checking those cars, so I escaped without a ticket. I was fully prepared to cry my way out of a parking ticket though. My tears were on the ready!

Then I went to work, and that was that. At this point I forgot my laptop at work and only got it back Saturday night.

I did, however, go to a bar with Carlin after work Thursday night. That was super fun!

We have a pair of friends, Haley and Alexis, who are in a band and often perform over at a bar close to my Chick-fil-A. Usually I'm too busy to go to any of their shows, but since that's so close to me, I always try to make those. I got there a little too late to watch them perform, but we had fun rocking to a rock band!

We're too cute!
We then hung out with a crowd who came out to see Haley and Alexis too. Afterwards we went to the only place open in the wee hours of the morning, the true Southern staple, Waffle House!

I ended up at home at 4am (which wasn't a very smart idea considering all the work I had to do on the following days). It was a crash and burn kinda night. I'm surprised I even took the time to remove my makeup!

The rest of the weekend was all work.

Chick-fil-A Ready!!
I worked 2 to close on Thursday, 11:30 am to close on Friday, and here's the real beauty of the weekend: open to close on Saturday! And that was on two nights straight of four hours of sleep. By 8pm Saturday night, I was ready to bite someone's head off. I opened drive thru and closed kitchen, which was actually a lot of fun for me. I have never worked screens before, so it was nice to do something different, and a great change of pace on such a long day.

Then Sunday I slept into 2 30 pm, which was amazing! Luis and I wore matching outfits

Yes, I know we're lame
And we went out for breakfast/dinner at Golden Corral! Then we went to Mass, which was really nice. And since we got out of Mass last night at 9 30, it's been non-stop homework, studying, and essay-writing.

Finals week is officially here, so life is about to get busyyyyyy!

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