Friday, December 21, 2012

The Beginning Of A New Era

So I feel like it's only right that I mention somehow that the world was supposed to end today, and last October, and last May, and in 2008, and in 2006, and in 2004, and in 2000, and in 1999, and in 1994, and so on. People are always full of apocalypse theories, and somehow, tons of people fall into the End Of The World mindset every time. Sad. Although I'm not going to lie, it was brutally windy last night.

Anyways, as the world is ending, I'm sitting in my dorm, on and off cleaning while blogging, pinning, tumbling, tweeting, and Facebooking. I need a life! Although I can't complain, today is my day off from work and I had a great time celebrating my best friend's, Carlin, birthday all the way up til 4am last night/this morning. We had a ton of fun XD

But on a more serious note, it does feel like the world just might be close to it. So many horrible things happening every day all over the world, and it's heart breaking. I still cry every time I think about Sandy Hook. I can't imagine what was going through the mind of that man to slaughter 20 little babies in cold blood. You have to be sick to do that kind of thing. And to make matters worse, those stupid Westboro people are planning on picketing those poor children's funerals.
They're already disgusting and do terrible things, but little kids??? Really??? You have to further worsen an already unbelievable tragedy by picketing poor, innocent babies' funerals. I refuse to acknowledge them as Christians, because their actions are absolutely NOT condoned by the Church or the Bible's teachings.
I'm usually much more loving, but this is the end of the line. Finding love in my heart for people willing to do this is much too difficult for me. I'm more upset by them than the shooter, at least he had the excuse of mental illness. Sigh... I hope they receive the official classification of what they are soon, a hate group, so they can be banned from picketing innocent people's funerals soon.

Yet, maybe some good might still come from Sandy Hook. I don't know, but since the tragic shooting I've seen so many posts from famous and influential people about bringing God back. It's true though, every time tragedies occur, we automatically blame God. How He could let these things happen??? But we try so hard to keep Him out of our schools and governments, that can we really blame Him? My two favorites so far have been Ben Stein's and Huckabee's from Fox News account of things. Even though Stein's isn't directly about Sandy Hook (it's about the White House calling their Christmas trees 'holiday' trees), it's still a beautiful message and it relates directly to what's been going on with everyone's post-Sandy Hook questions. Then Huckabee's video is also incredible. I love it. He puts it out just like it is and I think it's an amazing message. Both of them say the same things: That we've spent so much time and effort trying to get rid of God's influence in schools, governments, and lives, that we have no right to ask where God has gone during our tragedies. Yet, while the tragedies are happening, God is still there taking care of us when we need Him, even though as soon as we've recuperated, we'll turn our backs on Him again.

Here are the links to what I'm talking about:

Both of them are very wise men, and people are listening, I hope. These aren't the only ones of the like that I've seen, they're just my two favorites. Who knows? Maybe changes are coming, maybe there really will be an improvement of things. If more people start thinking like this more, maybe there just might be a betterment of things. I pray and hope and wish that people will listen, that people will improve, that our government and our nation and this world will improve.

And maybe that's just my wishful thinking. But God knows, and He won't let us fall without giving us a safety net to catch us.

God bless America, cause He knows we need His blessing now more than ever. And watch over your new little saints in Heaven.

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