Friday, December 21, 2012

Why A Blog?

So I've dabbled with Blogger before, but that was for a cake only blog. And eventually I got tired of taking pictures of everything I did while baking a cake then going online to explain what I was doing. It kind of took the fun out of baking for me, plus I got SUPER busy, which is probably what will happen with this blog too, but I'm starting this one as a personal blog just for whenever I want to write, so it won't matter if I spend a couple of months without updating it. Not to mention that I doubt that anyone will actually read it. I can think of three or four people who will actually get on it and read it from time to time. So this is for me. A place for me to think, philosophize, vent, talk (to myself), and just be me. Kind of like an online diary, only a lot less private.

The funny thing is that I keep sticky notes on my laptop (like the app, not real sticky notes) and there's been one on there since last year that says "Start a blog... Once all the other sticky notes are gone," but I've recently realized that the sticky notes will never be gone, because I always have something to do. So if I want to start a blog, I have to do it now.

So yea, that's my reasoning for starting a blog. Let's see what this turns into over the next few posts...

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