Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wedding Planner School

I've decided what I want for Christmas!

And it's for someone to pay my tuition for Wedding Planner School!

I've been looking at all these websites that talk about becoming a wedding planner, and the fever is upon me. I'm so going to make this happen one way or another!

While doing my wedding research, I came across the Association of Bridal Consultants, the Association for Certified Professional Wedding Consultants, and the American Association of Certified Wedding Planners, all big names in the industry. Or at least they're the three associations that kept on popping up as I was browsing around. Everything is either ABC or ACPWC or AACWP certified, so that's where I'm leaning towards. I just need to find time and money to do it now!

Or I can convince my mom that this is legit and I'm serious about it and ask her for a Christmas/birthday conjunction present of paying for my coursework. It's really nothing compared to what I have to pay at Kennesaw, but I highly doubt that FAFSA covers this kind of 'higher education.'

I'm also back on my mission to find someone to intern with. Last time I went wedding planner internship hunting, it was a huge flop, but maybe with spring/summer season coming up (I know it's only the beginning of October, but May/June weddings aren't planned in April!) they might be looking for someone to get them coffee and file papers and maybe learn some tidbits of wedding wisdom from them! Who knows? I sure won't if I don't try!

And in the meantime, my friend, Jennifer (not Lopez), is getting married and I'm helping her plan it! So who knows? Maybe I'll be able to put her wedding on my portfolio as I apply for internships!

I am on my way to becoming an awesome Jennifer Lopez-David Tutera Wedding Planner!!!           

Now just to find someone who wants to make me one!


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