Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Forget Fashion Week!

Forget school! Forget work! Forget everything!

A new baby has joined us!!!!

Baby Victoria was born to Karima two Fridays ago on September 20th!

She is the cutest little thing on the planet! I would post 500 million pictures of her, but her mommy has forbidden me to social media her baby, and I'm pretty sure that included blog about her *insert sad face here*

I can't complain though, as adamant as she was about no posting, I'm surprised she let over-sharer me take any pictures at all.

Anyways, after spending every night for almost 2 weeks with Karima and the baby, I have had the quickest bout of baby fever ever. As soon as the baby was born I suffered terrible baby fever. I wanted to be pregnant and have my own baby to hold so bad!!! Babies are so cute and delicate and so gosh-darned lovable! I really really wanted my own.

Although after about 10 days of zombie-life due to my school-work-crying baby-work-crying baby-school-work schedule, I decided that I can wait. I get little sleep as it is, adding a baby to my routine just meant that I shortened my sleeping hours to about 5 20 minute naps at night. I decided that my normal 4-6 hours of sleep are utterly fabulous compared to that.

Either way, as soon as Victoria is cooing and laughing and not just pooping and crying, I'll have the baby fever again.

Anyways, that's my reason for not posting for so long. The baby has kept me busy (:

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