Wednesday, September 18, 2013

London Fashion Week 2013 - September 13

Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially on London Fashion Week!

The week started off with Bora Aksu. His line was very subtle to me. All light pastel colors with looks that reminded me of an old-school school girl. This piece was my favorite from his collection. It has loads of fun details.

Fyodor Golan came up next with this two lookers. I especially love the detail and design on the suit. It's stunning.

The collection that Felder and Felder put up this year was really... fuzzy. All I could think about was how itchy that material must have been. However, there were a few pieces I really liked. The white is really clean and sophisticated, while the pattern on the other two are gorgeous. They definitely took the collection from fuzzy to reptilian with that design.

I really liked this piece from Ostwald Helgason. The effect of the skirt created a really interesting twist to piece, although it would have been gorgeous without the overlay.

I thoroughly enjoyed the pieces from J. JS Lee. Jackie Lee created some really beautiful pieces and her collection had a nice theme running through it. Here are my favorites from her collection.

In case you haven't caught on yet, I really like the pieces that I can see myself in. I prefer the realistic looking pieces that would be worn off of the runway.

Next up came Pierce Fionda, and I had never heard of them before, but I loved so many of their pieces, that I had to look them up. Turns out, they just haven't done a runway show like this in a while (like since 1999, back when I still wore overalls). They have some gorgeous designs!

Everything about this collection just screams classy to me. I love the elegance of the pieces and how sophisticated all the models look in them. And check out the make up on their models! I usually tune the models out and focus on the outfit, but that eye makeup is really eye catching.

Filippo also had plenty of amazing pieces in his Daks collection. I was pretty wowed by some of these.

The first three really wowed me with how sophisticated they are. I would rock all of those to a business event. The second three were a notch more casual, but still just as classy. P.S. I love the plaid/pink thread throughout all the pieces. I love it when a collection makes sense like that!

Christopher Raeburn was next with these gorgeous pieces, all also for the very refined businesswoman.

Then this next collection was really eye-catching. The thing about most of Jean-Pierre Braganza's pieces is that you have to look twice to get the full effect of the outfit. There's a lot going on to make these pieces as beautiful as they are.

And the collections just got better and better as they went on. Jason Conrad had a beautiful collection. I had to control myself on how my pictures I put up, because they're all so clean cut and preppy and I loved them all!

Okay, so maybe I didn't control myself that well, but really! They're so cute! And they all follow a nice common thread and just look stunning. I could totally wear any and all of these on a nice spring or summer day!

I toned it back with Todd Lynn's collection though. I didn't love quite as many pieces so it was easier to limit myself.

And of course, the day had to finish with a bang. PPQ had this beautifully quirky collection finish out the day. I loved all the patterns in it!

The first day of London Fashion Week was so amazing and had so many gorgeous pieces! I can hardly control myself. Everything is just so beautiful!

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