Monday, August 5, 2013

Brunna's Book Club -- The Five Dysfuntions Of A Team

This week's book takes a break from all the fiction we've been reading

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a novel about growing in leadership. It's on the list of books recommended for Chick-fil-A leaders to read, so it's been on my to-read list for a while. When last Sunday I went out to eat with Deepa, I saw the field guide for this book in Kathy's car and we started talking about leadership books and all those fun business-y things. Lucky me, she had the audio tape for this book in her car and she was super kind to lend it to me! So I've been listening to it during all my car rides. I didn't think I was going to like an audio book, but it has actually been really nice.

Anyways, this fable is about DecisionTech's executive team. The company has been having some serious issues staying above water and the board of directors brings in Kathryn Petersen as the new CEO to straighten out the team and bring DecisionTech to the top of the market. 

The actual details of the story aren't really the important parts, although it is interesting to see how Kathryn manages to draw in her team of executives on board with her new way of seeing things, and teaching them how to be a proper team.

The real important part is finding out what the actual dysfunctions are, and the solutions to each dysfunction. I could sit here and list them all, but I found this picture that sums up the lesson of the book perfectly:

This picture has the dysfunctions on the left of the pyramid, and the solutions on the right, with the main topic in the center.

It's definitely a different type of book from the others I've been recommending, but it's definitely a worthwhile read, especially for anyone who works in a team setting (business, work, sports, etc etc).

Let me know what you think!

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