Sunday, August 4, 2013

Universal Studios

So today's Book Club post is being rescheduled for tomorrow, because yesterday was too wonderful of a day to not post about!

We went to Universal Studios!

Well, first I arrived on the Megabus at 5am, got 3 hours of sleep, then went to Universal Studios. It was really fun! I went with my mom, Cinthia, Brian, and my cousin Marcia. We always manage to have a grand time together.

We started off with a quick Starbucks run, then went to the park. It's an amazing park with great special effects on all the rides that just make your mouth drop. 

We went on The Revenge of the Mummy rude, which was pretty awesome. It was one of those rides that when it started, I was expecting it to be a subtle, built-for-kids ride. I was pleased to be wrong. Right when you think the ride is going to across some doors, it falls backwards and a crazy wild ride begins! It was really fun, and it scared Marcia and my mom.

We also went on Twister, which is one of few rides in all of Orlando that I remember from when I came when I was little. And Shrek 4D was awesome! So many crazy surprises!

We left the park after those rides and I got to watch my not-so-little brother play basketball. They lost, but according to my mom it was the most points they've ever made in a game, so I'm proud of him. And my mommy added me to the family YMCA membership so now I can go to the Y to work out and do other recreational things for free in Atlanta. I'm excited! Hopefully, knowing that my mom is paying for my membership will encourage me to get up off of my lazy butt and go work out.

Finally, we went back to the park until 10:30 PM. We went on Disaster! and the Simpsons rides, which were really cool simulations. Then my mom got all emotional on ET, because she went on the exact same ride 20 years ago when she first came to the States, and I schooled everyone at the Men In Black ride, with 160,600 points. Cinthia came in second place with only 60,000. I was pretty proud of myself. 

Then while everyone else ate, Cinthia, Brian and I waited well over an hour in line at the Rock It ride, which was awesome. You go up in a 90 degree angle and then speed and turn throughout the entire park while listening to the song of your choice. Both Cinthia and I picked Pump It by Black Eyed Peas. After being tossed and turned, we joined the rest of them to stand another hour in line for Despicable Me. I haven't watched either one of the movies, but after going through that simulator, I'm in love. I want a minion for myself! And now I have to watch the movie.

We might be going back tonight just to go on Transformers and watch the fireworks, which will be nice. Having a season pass definitely has its perks.

Now for a lazy Sunday!

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