Friday, October 11, 2013

Day Off

Today my day is completely free!

I have a day off with no obligations! YAY!!! 

Of course I made a few plans to enjoy it (:

Today is going to be a pampering day for me, to kick off my anniversary weekend the right way!

First, I'm going to straighten my hair while watching Netflix (MY FAIR WEDDING! MY FAIR WEDDING!)

Then I'm picking Kala up and we're going to get our nails done

And then we're picking Allie up and we're going to officially hit up the Outlet Shoppes of Atlanta!

And I'm super have a plan woman, so of course I've already picked out the stores we're definitely going to have to go to, plus whatever they wanna go in.

We're going to start in the upper right, because that's where I parked when I worked at the Chick-fil-A there, and it's closest to Kate Spade! Of course, Kate Spade is stop number one for me! White House Black Market and J. Crew are next for me. Maybe a stop at Steve Madden too, depends on them. I have a feeling Allie will want to stop at Michael Kors.

Tommy Hilfiger is another definite stop for me, then Puma at the end of that aisle. We will then walk all the way down to Charlotte Russe and Adidas (we're stopping at both!) and work our way back. And we'll stop by Columbia and Papaya over here. Then I want to go inside the food court and use my coupon for Cupcakelicious, and maybe visit Claire's.

Then there's Nike, JOS A. Bank, and Nine West in this aisle, with a stop at Bose for Luis.

My main reason (excuse) for going today is to buy an anniversary present for Luis, so hopefully I'll find something awesome for him in one of those stores, if not, he loves Bose and music.

I'm not sure how long our shopping trip will be. I could easily stay there until close, but I doubt Allie and Kala will want to shop from 3 to 9, so we'll see. 

And then I'm going to go see Luis tonight and kick off our anniversary weekend!!!

I probably won't post again til Monday, so be excited to hear about how the weekend went!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


It's that time of year again!

The time when it's all cram, cram, cram for me and every other college student that wants to pass.

My life right now

I have four midterms today.


Four midterms. Back to back to back to back.

It's Constitutional Law and then Business Statistics and then Microeconomics and the International Political Economy. One at 8am, one at 9:30am, one at 11am, and the last one at 12:30am.

I'm pretty close to loony at this point.

So please forgive me.

And excuse me.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wedding Planner School

I've decided what I want for Christmas!

And it's for someone to pay my tuition for Wedding Planner School!

I've been looking at all these websites that talk about becoming a wedding planner, and the fever is upon me. I'm so going to make this happen one way or another!

While doing my wedding research, I came across the Association of Bridal Consultants, the Association for Certified Professional Wedding Consultants, and the American Association of Certified Wedding Planners, all big names in the industry. Or at least they're the three associations that kept on popping up as I was browsing around. Everything is either ABC or ACPWC or AACWP certified, so that's where I'm leaning towards. I just need to find time and money to do it now!

Or I can convince my mom that this is legit and I'm serious about it and ask her for a Christmas/birthday conjunction present of paying for my coursework. It's really nothing compared to what I have to pay at Kennesaw, but I highly doubt that FAFSA covers this kind of 'higher education.'

I'm also back on my mission to find someone to intern with. Last time I went wedding planner internship hunting, it was a huge flop, but maybe with spring/summer season coming up (I know it's only the beginning of October, but May/June weddings aren't planned in April!) they might be looking for someone to get them coffee and file papers and maybe learn some tidbits of wedding wisdom from them! Who knows? I sure won't if I don't try!

And in the meantime, my friend, Jennifer (not Lopez), is getting married and I'm helping her plan it! So who knows? Maybe I'll be able to put her wedding on my portfolio as I apply for internships!

I am on my way to becoming an awesome Jennifer Lopez-David Tutera Wedding Planner!!!           

Now just to find someone who wants to make me one!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Forget Fashion Week!

Forget school! Forget work! Forget everything!

A new baby has joined us!!!!

Baby Victoria was born to Karima two Fridays ago on September 20th!

She is the cutest little thing on the planet! I would post 500 million pictures of her, but her mommy has forbidden me to social media her baby, and I'm pretty sure that included blog about her *insert sad face here*

I can't complain though, as adamant as she was about no posting, I'm surprised she let over-sharer me take any pictures at all.

Anyways, after spending every night for almost 2 weeks with Karima and the baby, I have had the quickest bout of baby fever ever. As soon as the baby was born I suffered terrible baby fever. I wanted to be pregnant and have my own baby to hold so bad!!! Babies are so cute and delicate and so gosh-darned lovable! I really really wanted my own.

Although after about 10 days of zombie-life due to my school-work-crying baby-work-crying baby-school-work schedule, I decided that I can wait. I get little sleep as it is, adding a baby to my routine just meant that I shortened my sleeping hours to about 5 20 minute naps at night. I decided that my normal 4-6 hours of sleep are utterly fabulous compared to that.

Either way, as soon as Victoria is cooing and laughing and not just pooping and crying, I'll have the baby fever again.

Anyways, that's my reason for not posting for so long. The baby has kept me busy (: