Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today is the 14th of April 2013.

We started dating the 14th of October of 2009.

That's three and a half years.

Three and a half years with this crazy kid that I've fallen head over heels in love with. Three and a half years of laughter, smiles, joy, butterflies, cards, love notes, "I love you more" fights, dates, trips, and memories. Three and a half years of tears, fights, screaming, hanging up the phone, and calling each other jerks.

Three years ago today, he walked for six hours, just to leave a rose and a note on my doorstep. He walked, biked, and took buses to get to my apartment, because I was busy all day and he couldn't see me on our 6 month-iversary.

And still, even now, every month on the fourteenth, we do something special together. He buys me flowers, we give each other cards, we watch a movie, or go out to eat. It's our guaranteed date night for the month. It's great. We have this whole day to make each other fall in love again, and it's absolutely amazing. Most people tell us we're crazy and cheesy for celebrating all these months together. Most people stop celebrating months after they hit 6 months or a year, but here we are, at 42 months together, and today was our 42nd special month-iversary date. I love it.

Today I made him breakfast and he took me to Brunswick. The Brunswick part is actually really cute. We show up at Brunswick and he's almost crying because apparently everything is going wrong. It was raining really hard today and it was pretty chilly because of the rain. What sucks the most is that the rain couldn't wait until tomorrow. His original plan was to take me to the zoo. His back up plan was to go to the park. Rain cancelled both. Now this particular Brunswick we went to used to be a US Play. When we pull into the parking lot, all he had to say was "This was supposed to be US Play!"

My poor baby, he had all these great ideas and none of them went according to plan. Regardless, we had an amazing day. We went inside and bowled. After a competitive first game, we had two back to back games where we were intentionally trying to make the other person win. The funny thing was that after so many gutter balls on both our parts, we had several strikes and spares, one right after the other, once we started goading each other to see who would win. Just to show that our games could have been competitive and high scoring had we not been messing around.

After our intense bowling session was over, he took me to Brusters and we camped out in his car, sharing a hot fudge brownie sundae. After enjoying the yummy chocolately goodness, we went to Mass, which ironically enough, was about love. (For the readings today, see here) We got to hear all about the difference between the three main types of love: eros, filial, and agape. It was the perfect homily for a month-iversary if you ask me.

We ended the day with my favorite restaurant ever, Olive Garden! He even bought me dessert and didn't complain when I left a 20% tip. It doesn't matter in the least that things didn't go as according to plan. We can go to the zoo another day (hint, hint). We still have many more months to come, with many more month-iversaries to celebrate. So now I'm here typing, completely stuffed with yummy Olive Garden food, happy and in love.

Three and a half years.

Luis Antonio Delgado Zepeda. You are my love, my cupcake, my gummy bear, my sweetheart, my prince charming, my guardian, my best friend, my everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you.

Happy 3 years and 6 months sweetie (:

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