Friday, April 19, 2013

Warm Fuzzy Feelings

I've had enough with all these tragedies.

This blog post will be dedicated entirely to cute, warm, fuzzy feelings!

Enter Exhibit A

Hi cute little baby!

And check out this cutie over here.

He has the fuzzy part down pat.

This one is not so fuzzy, but just as adorable.

I wonder if he ate the strawberry!

Teacups are pretty darn cute.

Cute little animals in teacups is just an overload of cute fuzziness.

Well good morning there sunshine.

Aren't you just a little ray of light?

And there's nothing cuter than some comradeship.

Talk about BFFs

These two here are mandatory BFFs!

I wish I could have put a sign up like that for mine... But I love him, so it's all good that he stayed!

Cue the "Awww"


Then here's a little prayerful kitty

Because you gotta pray before going to bed

Goodnight puppy!

I hope those pictures made you smile as much as they made me (:

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