Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lazy Day

Yesterday was an interesting change of pace for me.

I spent ALL day in my dorm. I don't remember the last time I had an entire day with nothing to do and no need to leave my room.

So what does super busy bee me do on a rare day off?

Well, I started off by sleeping in until 11 30. That was a lovely refreshment from the constant waking up before my alarm clock went off of this past weekend.

I would love an alarm clock with Belle on it!

Then I just web surfed for a really long time.
I blogged

And pinned

And made outfits on Polyvore

And discovered new wedding blogs

And Facebooked

And Twittered

Then I decided to brave Hulu again (I really really really dislike Hulu. It's so slow compared to Netflix, and I need to watch dumb ads.) to watch the newest season of Once Upon A Time... I really like the show, or else I would never waste 6 hours trying to watch three 45 minute episodes.

And since Hulu takes forever to load, I decided to tackle my room during loading periods. So now my room is super clean!

I made my bed

I put my shoes up

And I organized my closet

And I vacuumed

That's my empty laundry bag in the upper left. Talk about productive!

And I even updated my calender!

Then after tackling my room, I decided to tackle myself. I took a super long and delicious shower. You know those that you just stand there and let the water wash you away? If my dorm bathroom had a bathtub, it would have been a bath salt/bubble bath kind of day. But unfortunately, it's just a shower, no bubble bath capabilities. And after that long, lovely HOT sauna like shower, I straightened my hair. Mind you, my hair take an hour minimum to straighten. I spent a good two hours on it yesterday (while still attempting to watch Once Upon A Time as it slowly buffered)

This picture was taken today. Part of the lazy day included staying in my PJs all day long
Then I decided to paint my nails.

And I web-surfed some more.

And I started playing a new Wii Game that I bought a few weeks back.

Finally, Luis calls at 10PM (At night! It took all day!!!) and he's waiting outside with my car! I haven't seen Lulu yet, but he said that both bumper and mirror are looking better, which is good. I'll put up some pictures of her later, once I see her. She sure did take a good chunk of my bank account. Actually, she took up everything I had saved up for my birthday, with the exception of $14... The struggle is real here folks.

Anyways, now I have a clean room to enjoy, lots of new pins and wedding knowledge, my hair looks fabulous, and my nails look decent, not to mention I've caught up some more on sleep and Once Upon A Time.

Now my life can go back on it's crazy track.

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