Monday, April 15, 2013

Praying for Boston

I am so mad right now.

I'm furious. Pissed off. Angry. The English language does not contain a single word that can describe my raging emotions right now. I. AM. LIVID!!!

How can anyone, any human being, possibly want to cause this kind of hurt upon others??? This isn't just about the Boston marathon today. This isn't just about Sandy Hook. This isn't just about Aurora. This isn't about Columbine or Virginia Tech or 9/11 or any single moment of distraught and agony in our history. This is about these sick and twisted people that can inflict this kind of pain upon others. This is about the people who hurt just to hurt. Why??

People were out there today enjoying a big event. They were having fun, celebrating. They were enjoying a beautiful, sunny day. It's Patriot's Day and the marathon is great, joyous, happy celebration. It's a day for people to get out and enjoy themselves, a holiday. And someone stepped in to turn an otherwise glorious day into a tragedy.

I just... I can't. The tears just won't stop. WHY????

I'm in pain...

This just... I have no words, only tears.

Then there were 400 people from Connecticut, for Sandy Hook, running in that race. The families were all waiting in the VIP section, right next to the finish line where the first bomb went off. Seriously?? Have these people not suffered enough?? Isn't it bad enough that 4 months ago they had already suffered losing 26 of their own?? Now today, on a yearly race, a celebration, dedicated to them, they had to experience more tragedy and heartache? God bless those poor families and grant them peace. No one deserves to suffer this much.

How could anyone want to inflict this kind of pain on their fellow man? We are all in this long battle of life together. Why?? Why intentionally inflict pain on others? Especially people who have never done anything to you?? Why shoot up a school of young, innocent children? Why bomb a race with people celebrating? Why destroy all of these helpless, innocent lives? Why make people suffer at your hand? I just don't understand. How could someone be so sadistic as to actually enjoy others' pain? I'm at a loss.

I hope we catch whomever did this, and I hope they suffer. God have mercy on their souls, because the American people sure won't anytime soon.

My prayers go out to the victims and their families. All my prayers, love, and thoughts go out to them. May they be comforted in this time of pain and suffering. May God guide them through this tribulation. Father please, reach out Your hand and comfort them. You know they need You now more than ever... We all do.

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