Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Delightfulness of New Blogs

Hi, my name is Brunna Caroline D, and I am a procrastinator.

That's Step One to recovery right? Yea, well I've been admitting that I'm a procrastinator for a long time, but still no improvement shown. Such a shame.

Anyways, procrastinating is kinda my MO. I wait until the last possible minute, do the work really rushed, somehow still do a pretty good job, and get a better grade than the kid next to me who worked for the grade weeks before hand. So you could say that I just lack the motivation. And I am now reverting to my extremely unhealthy ways of procrastinating. On Monday I woke up at 8am and wrote a nine page paper by 1 45 with a few breaks in between, so I figure I'll be okay writing this five page tonight.

Anywho, getting to the point. I just discovered this website on Pinterest yesterday, and I'm just obsessing over it. She has the cutest things on it! Plus some good study tips here! (Do you see how bad the problem is? I go on Pinterest to find study tips and end up finding a new blog to obsess over) So now I'm sitting in bed brushing my hair and pouring over her thoughts and experiences (not to mention cute clothes pictures, she's a J. Crew fan too <3)

I'm loving her spring cleaning checklist and I am totally going to go over it and do this on my next day off. Lord knows that my life needs a makeover. Clean EVERYTHING and organize like a crazy person. And I just had a shopping spree month and went to the mall with a friend almost every week, so I have a TON of shopaholic clothes/bags/accessories/make up/etc lying around in my room that I haven't found a place for yet. So it looks like I have a game plan for Friday before going to work and Sunday.

She is also in love with Paris, which makes her 10 times cooler in my book. I'm totally jelly of her that she gets to go to France this summer, but that gives me an incentive to mimic her. Why not set a budget for myself with a savings account for a big trip or splurge? I really need to start controlling my shopaholic tendencies. Having a phone and card makes saving so hard though! In less than a minute I can transfer all my money from my savings account to my checking, and boom, shopping spree. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I definitely need to come up with a good budget and start allotting money for specific things every month (I will need a small splurging pool of money though. If I see a too cute pair of shoes or dress, I will deviate. #shopaholicproblems)

And she has these great disconnecting tips!

Turning your phone off when you're with your friends
Keeping your phone in another room while working
Committing to a specific time every night to spend an hour away from all screens
Turning off push notifications
Collecting phones as a group when out to dinner and turning them all off

I am totally guilty of being a 100% connected person. I am ALWAYS on my iPhone. Like, always. The only time I'm ever not on my phone is when I'm working (because cell phones are strictly forbidden at Chick-fil-A) and when I'm asleep. And even when I'm asleep, my phone is literally right next to my pillow, so if anyone texts, calls, e-mails, etc, I can wake up and answer it (most times I just ignore it and keep sleeping though). I want to try disconnecting, but it's so hard ): My boyfriend hates it. I'm always on my phone and that pulls me away from the people around me, making me give them a lot less attention. So maybe these tips will help me out on this quest. (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Email, texts, and my word games can wait... can't they?)

And then she works for some company called Levo League and they have these 'career mentors' and 'career experts' that do Office Hours, which apparently are really cool and motivational/inspirational 30 minute session webinars about all kinds of great stuff for people like me who like personal growth/leadership/mentor/ things.

It's great. I'm going to spend the next few days bingeing on this blog and the webinars instead of doing whatever else I have to do (:

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