Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finals V Birthday

It has begun.

The week of no sleep, no makeup, no life, and no cute clothes.

Why must this week fall on my birthday??? By tomorrow, I need to study for my anthropology final (probably the hardest one I'll take since this is the class I missed the most), make a Prezi presentation, watch the movie Lincoln, write a response to it, and write a ten page essay. Then on my birthday I'll have my history final (which is the reason the anthropology final is MAYBE the hardest, because this one will be super tough too) and a geography quiz.

Then I have to fully enjoy my birthday weekend, because apparently I am being kidnapped to somewhere that requires me to pack for the night and bring a bikini (my excitement on hearing this was almost uncontainable. Now to not eat anything until then so I can fit in my bikini and not look like an over-sized whale.)

Then Sunday I have Mass and Legacy! Which means it will be at the earliest 10pm Sunday night when I can resume my finals cramming. I have a US Congress final on Monday and my political relations final and my democracy and development in Latin America finals on Wednesday. I don't have to study much for US Congress because it's open note, but the other two are going to be extreme finals in which my final grade hangs in the balance. The struggle is real.

I'm going to have to break finals week norm, and stay pretty over these next two weeks! Today I'm going birthday shopping with two of my work buddies, Karima and Jessica. It's been postponed long enough, and I can't wait to go shopping!! Even though I spent almost all my money on Lulu, my mommy sent me some money so I have enough to spend, although not as much as I had allotted for myself beforehand. Either way, I have money and a mall and an upcoming birthday that I must look adorable for!!!

Then, I'm going out for dinner with Luis, because I have a Groupon for a steakhouse that expires on Wednesday, so it's my last chance to use it. We're probably going to come back to my dorm and watch Lincoln after that, so I'll get some quality time in and work done. Bonus points for multi-tasking!

Wednesday is the day of the anthropology final, democracy and development paper presentation, and US Congress essay/Lincoln review due date. Plus work afterwards. Yay.

Thursday will be the history final, lunch with Carlin, then kidnapping by Luis.

After my fun birthday weekend, my next big thing will be dinner with Estela and Emily to celebrate all three of our May birthdays! We have two more friends, Jessica and Daena, coming along to celebrate with us too, so I'm excited for that. It's been a while since I've seen some of them, and we haven't hung out as a group in forever. I'm also having lunch with a former work buddy whom I haven't seen in forever next week!

With all these fun plans in place, it's reallyyyyy hard to focus on school and finals and studying and writing essays. I've actually been really good about staying off other distractions like Pinterest and Polyvore (although Blogger obviously fell through the cracks on the "Stay away from distracting websites" part of my weekly plans)

Eh, I'll have all this fun this week, and get all my homework and studying done after lots of stressing. I know I'm not getting any sleep this upcoming week, but I know it'll be worth it!

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