Thursday, April 11, 2013

Course Registration! Signing Up For College Classes

So I successfully finished my essay this morning, and it's pretty rocking if I do say so myself! And I learned a lot too. By the end of college I will know SO MUCH about all these random things, like China-Taiwan relations and the rise of the evangelical movement in Latin America and drones and whatnot. I guess that's kind of the point of college huh? Know as much as you can about your major.

Anyways, I finally finished signing up for my classes for the fall and I am SUPER excited! (My nerd side is showing through). Check this out!

All my classes are required for my degree(s) this upcoming semester! Which is great, because I had two completely unnecessary courses last semester and another three this semester (although two of them count as electives for me). And, for the most part, I'm in my upper level major courses already (:

I'm taking one more political science intro course online over the summer, and then I have one more intro level course for my International Relations degree. I'm just starting on the International Business degree, so that's what both Econs and the Accounting classes are for. I already took two classes for the Business degree, and after these three, I'm only missing two more before I'm officially in the Business College and out of intro level courses. I still have 1 semester left of my first year of college (summer semester) and I'm already almost done with all my intro level courses AND I'll be a Junior in the fall. Yes, I am a nerd and proud of it!

I haven't started on my minors yet though. So it's exciting that I FINALLY got the stupid override for my French class, because I was definitely not about to do 1001, 1002, and 2001 again. I did all the way through French 5 in high school, and redoing all those courses was not in the plans for me. I did take a step back though. Technically French 2002 is the equivalent to French 4, but in the fall it'll be two and a half years since I've taken any French, so I'm back tracking a little for the refresher. Not to mention that I got a B in French 4 and French 5, so I obviously didn't master the courses. It'll be a good refresher and I need the credits anyways. I'm already skipping 2001 and that's a required course for my minor, so I'll have to do an extra 4000 level course to make up for it, no big deal. I'd rather get some more advanced French anyways, instead of going back to passe compose et le imparfait.

So yes, I am super duper oober excited for fall semester because all the courses are going to be on things that I want to learn about my major (I only have like 3 or 4 gen ed classes left! :D). Although the Business Statistics class is kinda scary. Not because I'm bad at math, but because I actually have to super focus in class AND keep up with the homework. And I'm sure the accounting class will have math in it too. So that'll be fun. But French will be my slack class, and microeconomics probably will be too, since I've already taken Global Economics and Macroeconomics. So two slack classes will be nice, but I'm super nervous about having THREE TBA teachers... I rely on rate my professor A LOT, so I'm taking a huge gamble with these teachers. Oh well.

But before then... Summer 2013!!!

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