Saturday, May 11, 2013

Organized, Yet Messy

I am very OCD about most things.

My drawer at work must always be organized, with all the bills facing the same way. My earring holder is perfect for me, because the design separates it into thirds, so one third is for my studs, one third for dangling earrings, and one third for pins, earrings I have lost the pair for, and seasonal earrings that I only wear during specific times of year. The top of my drawer is organized into sections with nail polish in one corner, organized by darker colors to lighter colors, perfumes under that, organized by brand and size, with lotions under that organized by size, and makeup beside it, organized by type of make up, color, and size. I also have a wardrobe that it organized by type of clothes, color, and how often I wear it. So party dresses on the top, with normal dresses next to it, with long shirts next to that, with long-sleeved shirts next to that, and jackets on the end. And on the bottom row I have blouses, which are organized by the length of the sleeve, from no sleeve to half sleeve (long sleeves are up top remember), then t-shirts, which I don't really wear t-shirts so the ones I have are all event related with memories attached to them, so those are organized by time of event. Don't even get me started on how the files on my computer are organized. Let's just say that anyone that got my computer would have no problem pinpointing exactly what they wanted to find. I could keep going and describe my shoes, books, and desk as well, but I'll spare you the details.

The moral of that story is that I am SUPER organized, except for at certain moments. And those certain moments are in the mornings when I'm getting ready. This gives me an infamy for being messy. Because I'll have a super clean room that will have a dozen different articles of clothing on the floor by the time I'm done getting ready. Now, I do go back and re-organize everything afterwards, but sometimes I'm in a rush and it stays behind, thus the messy label. But everything goes back into place soon, or else I can't function in the mess.

This little clothing problem of mine has extended to Polyvore.

See Exhibit A

I pick one thing I want to wear (in this case it was the skirt) and all of a sudden, several blouses, jackets, shoes, jewelry, etc are thrown all over the place, as I work diligently to find the one that will create the cutest outfit. (Ignore all the open tabs, that is just another part of my messiness) It's just so difficult. All the endless possibilities are overwhelming, and I have to find the perfect outfit, or else I can't walk out the door/hit publish. It's just a perfectionist problem I have.

In this scenario, this is how it ended up looking

See? The mess is all worth it in the end. The final look is always polished, and no one can tell there was ever a mess involved.

Just another battle I must undergo to find the perfect outfit

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