Friday, May 31, 2013

Sick Day

I'm being a sick puppy today ):

Last night I was hanging out with Luis, Carlin, and Pedro when I passed out.

Turns out I had forgotten to eat all day.

Good thing that it was at the end of the day yesterday so Luis spent the night with me taking care of me, but I still had to go to work today. I was supposed to work from 11 to close, but ended up coming in at 10 30.

Today was probably the worst work day I have ever had in my life. I was super light headed all day long, and slightly incoherent. I was slow on understanding what people were saying to me, and I wasn't even smiling brightly at my customers! I was just kind of hazy all day long.

I didn't eat anything last night after passing out, because I was pretty sure that I was going to throw up if I did, especially since I was already feeling woozy and my stomach was upset. I had a chicken biscuit and a half this morning. Then lunch was what turned me over. I had chicken strips, a parfait, and a cookie. I should have probably skipped the fried stuff, because my stomach really started hurting after that. I ended up throwing up two hours after eating and finally got sent home.

So now I'm lying down in bed, totally ready to turn in early.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better for work tomorrow!

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