Monday, May 6, 2013

Shopping Trip!!!

This past week has been absolutely insane! In a super fun way.

In lieu of this, my posts are going to be a teeny bit outdated. I'm going to post about the shopping trip today, and about my birthday (hopefully) tomorrow, because both days were so super awesome that they each need their own individual post!

Here we go!

My shopping trip with Karima and Jessica was awesome!! We had so much super girly fun!

First I had to go to Chick-fil-A and have a meeting with the other drive thru team leader. We got lots of ideas flowing, and we will soon be the best drive thru anyone has ever been in! That's the goal anyways.

Then I had to convince Jessica to come with us, because she decided to be lame and try to bail. But in the end she caved in and decided to come (which she later acknowledged as being the best choice!).

In the car, on my way to pick up (:
So after I do my runarounds and pick up the ladies, we headed on over to Lenox Mall, which is where all the celebrities shop apparently. They have Prada and Burberry and Kate Spade and Aldo and Ann Taylor and Armani Exchange and Bloomingdale's and BCBGMAXAZRIA and BVLGARI and Coach and Michael Kors and Fendi and Lacoste and Louis Vuitton and Mac and Sephora and Oakley and Pandora and True Religion and Zara and all these places that I don't have enough money to even look inside (I went inside Kate Spade hoping to find something adorable and affordable. I almost cried. Everything was adorable, nothing affordable)

I saw this at Urban Outfitters, and snapped a shot because it describes me to a point! #WannabeMillionaire
The first store we went inside that we could actually afford was Mac, which is pricey in itself, but we all wanted new lipstick. I brought a tube of Mac lipstick with me that I got for Christmas over two years ago that had finally run out. Amazing color, I love it! It was a nice neutral color that gave a really finished look to any outfit, especially business-y ones. However, I had the displeasure of being told by the makeup artist/attendant lady at the store that my tube was a fake. WHAT?? How embarrassing!

I later on found out from my mom that it was only sort of fake. She bought it from China from the same factory that produced the Mac lipstick. Exact same formula and tube, and the only difference is a sticker that they put at the bottom of the tube. I ended up finding the exact same color at the store and buying it. So now I'm legit with my official Rumblin' Rose lipstick. Not that I don't have other real ones, I think I buy a new color every time I walk inside that store.

I love the look of a new tube of lipstick
We got Jessica her very first tube of lipstick! I was so proud. I always feel like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless whenever I go shopping with people who aren't as avidly fashion obsessed as I am. We found a good, not too bold, lipstick color for her in Mac that she loved too. Then later on we went to Sephora, where I had tons of fun applying makeup on her. She's so cute, and I had a ball putting on bronzer and eye shadow on her!

I told you she's a doll!
I ended up buying a new bottle of Bobbi Brown's Warm Sand foundation, because my last bottle ran out. They say that the best way to know if something is truly a good product, is if you completely use up the first one and go back to buy a second.

I really like this foundation. It looks really natural, so if I don't wear anything else on my face, I can just put this on and look like I have no make up on! It's also SPF 15. Now, I hate sunscreen. I never ever wear sunscreen, even though I know I should. I just don't like the smell of it, or applying it, and I never sun burn so I have no incentive to wear it. I know it's good to keep your skin healthy and everything, so I've started looking for makeup that has SPF included to trick myself into wearing it! Plus, it's long wear. So it lasts all day long without fading. And it gives my face that natural healthy glowing look. I love it (even though I wish the price tag was a little lower).

Sephora also gave me a little early birthday present!

As part of the rewards club at Sephora, I get cute perks like this! It's a little box with a tiny tube of mascara and a tiny tube of highlighter. The mascara is lovely. I've been using it and it's beautiful. I have clump-free, long lashes every time! I'm pretty excited about the highlighter. I've never used one before, so as soon as I have some extra time, I'm going to Pinterest highlighters and figure out how to use it. I can't wait to try it on!

As far as I'm concerned, no shopping trip is complete without a visit to Victoria's Secret. Last time I went, I bought this totally adorable eye shadow pallet with eye liner and tutorial included!

Sultry Spring. I would probably have never even picked this up if it wasn't for my Secret Rewards card, and I am SO glad I did! It really is the perfect spring pallet. It comes with two different looks, along with instructions on where to put each color, in what order, and how to blend. I absolutely love it.

I like the pink/purple look the most. I use it with all my spring outfits. I used to be a natural colors only girl, but this pallet changed my ways. I've gotten lots of compliments on it too!

After falling so much in love with the Sultry Spring pallet, it was only natural for me to go back and get the second tutorial pallet that VS offers. The fact that the name is Sexy Smoky made me really excited. I've been dying to try out the smoky eye look, so this was the perfect opportunity for me to do so!

I won't lie, I wasn't quite as pleased with this pallet. I tried wearing it on my birthday, only to find out that the smoky eye look is not for me. Black eye shadow just didn't go well with my complexion. I was really upset that I had decided to try it on my birthday, because I spent all day regretting my eye shadow color choice. On the other hand, I tried the brown pallet on the Sexy Smoky on Saturday and it was great. It created this subtle, yet noticeable gold hue to my eyes, and I think it looked great, I even got a compliment on it. We all know which colors will be most used on this pallet.

Here's a good moment to stop and show the outfit of the day, sans hat.

I actually bought this skirt on sale at Forever 21 back in March when I went shopping in Florida with my mommy. I was wearing some cute black flats with it too. I felt like such a cutie.

The store were in in this picture was probably one of the more fun stores we went inside, with the exception of the mean looking owner staring us down the entire time. The store had a buy one, get one half off sale on everything except sterling silver, and I am a sucker for a good sale. My favorite section of the store was this one corner of a wall filled with hats. We tried on hats to fill our heart's content.

Me and Jessica, looking cute!

I really liked this one, but it was almost $40!

Here comes the bride...
I finally ended up buying this one as a birthday present to myself (super splurge on my part)

My guilt reliever of buying a hat that cost $18, was the fact that summer is coming up, and I will have plenty of excuses to wear a cute spring/summer hat like this one.

Here's the top view. The adorable-ness of this hat is just too much to stand. I'm in love with it. Hopefully I will be able to find plenty of reason to wear it this summer!

Jessica took this picture, and it was way too cute not to share!
And of course, my favorite store ever... Forever 21!!!

I can't walk inside this store without buying at least one thing and trying on at least five! I bought my birthday outfit from here!

The first thing I saw when I walked in the store were these ADORABLE heels on sale for $14.

I saw them, and they screamed out my name. I tried them on, and on my feet they stayed. Until it was time to check out at the store, I walked around wearing them with the safety thing hanging off the side, because I loved them THAT MUCH! Plus, it was good to start breaking them in while at the store. It saves a little bit of pain later on.

Then, I found a SUPER sale. I didn't even spend $20 in total buying all three necklaces, the eye shadow pallet, and the eye liner.

These are all so super cute! I'm planning on giving two of the necklaces as birthday gifts to my friends!

Then of course, clothes. I ended up buying two dresses, and Jessica bought a shirt. Karima spent the least out of all of us. She's so good and responsible! Although she did manage to snag some adorable sandals at Wet Seal.

I bought this blue dress because it was soooo adorable! 

I feel like it's really different, and not a lot of people would have a similar looking dress. It's also great now that the warm weather is coming. I can totally see myself wearing this around on a beach or pool day. Or I can throw a belt on like in this picture and wear it to less casual place.

The possibilities are endless! I just loved this dress! Plus, it was on sale, which makes it a double whammy.

Oh, and I also got this adorable Hello Kitty car air freshener that smells like strawberries. My excitement was almost uncontrollable when I found it!

I won't show any pictures of my birthday dress, because that's a special surprise for tomorrow's post.

Here's a picture of the three of us!

I could keep going on and on about the shopping trip. After all, we did stay there for over 5 hours!

Overall, it was a great day, and I can't wait for our next shopping trip!

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