Thursday, May 9, 2013

Birthday? No. Birth-week!

I prolonged my birthday celebrations as much as I possibly could.

I took the whole weekend off and made tons of plans with all my friends (:

Friday was just a sleep in until way past noon. Like way wayyy past noon. Like until 6. And after I woke up, Luis and I went to Panda and picked up some movies from the Red Box.

It was definitely a no makeup, no fixed hair, jeans and a long shirt kind of day. We went back to my dorm after gorging ourselves on fried rice, chow mein, mandarin chicken, golden honey roasted walnut shrimp, and green bean chicken. We watched Django, which was pretty good, then went right back to sleep.

Saturday we woke up considerably earlier at around noon. We then watched Silver Linings Playbook, which was also really good. (anything with Jennifer Lawrence in it is good!) Then I got ready to go out with my beautiful God-daughter and best friend, Alexa. I put on this top that I bought at Wet Seal from their penny sale. It's a little too small, but for one cent and cuteness, I can stand not breathing for a few hours.

I picked her up and we went to Bistro Niko to pick up my lost purse. I was SO happy when I woke up to their wonderful phone call telling me it had been turned it! Everything was still in the purse, it was great! We then stopped by Mickey D's because I hadn't eaten all day, and since my card was cancelled, all I had were the $15 I had left inside my purse. We then went to her place to meet up with her friend, Alise.

We chilled there for a while talking about make up and movies and jobs and all that fun stuff girls talk about when they get together. Finally, the fourth person to our party showed up and we went to the dollar movies.

We watched Jack the Giant Slayer and it was actually really good. I really enjoyed it. It made me sit on the edge of my seat (figuratively) in excitement over the action, made me sigh, made me hope, made me laugh, and made me cry. That's a pretty good movie to me.

Finally the movie was over and we went our separate ways, but not before Alexa gave me my birthday presents. I swear, she knows my style so well and always buys me the cutest things!

And it always comes in the cutest packaging. She once gave my mom this gift that came in the most gorgeous gift box I have ever seen. I don't remember what came inside the box, but it's still sitting in my mom's living room as decoration.

Inside the cute box above, came this beautiful scarf. The picture truly does not do it justice. It's a bad picture in awful lighting and way too close to see the overall image, but I promise, the scarf is adorable!

So cute! I feel like these earrings are totally business world, sophisticated earrings. Perfect for me! You don't see any teenagers running around with earrings like that, however, me? I'll rock them!

After I left the movies, I went to Luis's house so we could go to the wedding reception together. It was probably one of the most Mexican parties I have ever been to, and I go to a lot of Mexican parties, trust me. They had the whole banda there playing their 5 million instruments and singing. It was fun though.

Luis wasn't really in the dancing mood, so I ended up dancing with his mom, which was pretty fun. There's this one song, Caballo Dorado, which is like a Mexican version of the Cha Cha Slide, only funner, that we danced to together, and I could not stop laughing! It was a great night!

Here's out picture for the night!

Then Sunday was nice too. We slept in late and went to Mass at 5.

After Mass we went to the last college ministry meeting for the school year. That was really fun. Since it was Cinco de Mayo, we had authentic Mexican food (not that Tex-Mex stuff) and ate to our tummies content. Then we had Adoration, which is such a beautiful experience every time. Adoration is probably my favorite part of being a Catholic. We then went our separate ways so I could study my butt of for finals!

Monday was just a normal day, no birthday fun. I worked in the morning, went to school, took a final, then spent the rest of the day on Hulu catching up on Once Upon A Time (I knew Queen Regina was a softie at heart!).

Then Tuesday was when things picked up again. I went to work in the morning and got to lead shift for the first time! I was really excited about that! I'm training to be a team leader (assistant manager in Chick-fil-A lingo) so finally getting to lead the shift on my own was fun and exciting. I ended up staying wayyy past when I was supposed to leave, so I could get more training in. Finally I leave and head to Chili's to meet my girls!

I have two other friends whose birthdays are also in May, Emily and Estela. So we decided that we were going to do something together to celebrate all three of our birthdays. We have been talking about going to Chili's to just get their chocolate molten lava cake since September and it still hasn't happened, so we figured that this would be our opportunity to do so! We invited two more friends, Daena and Jessica (not the shopping one, the one that I went to Rumba with. I'll just call her JP from now on because that's her nickname anyways) to come celebrate with us!

Of course, nothing ever goes as planned. Daena had a million errands to run for her mom and couldn't make it, and Estela's grandparents are in town so she couldn't make it either. It was alright though, JP brought another friend with her and the four of us had a grand time.

Me, Emily, Yane, and JP (:

We had so much food! We ordered that 3 different appetizers thing with spicy boneless wings, honey boneless wings, and potato skins. Then we each had an entree which was delicious. I had the light version of the steak, and Yane let me try one of her bacon something quesadillas which was also really good. Finally, the moment we were all waiting for came, dessert time! We ordered two of the molten lava cakes, one for us to eat then, and the other to take to Estela, since she couldn't join us and it was her birthday too.

When it was finally time to go, we turned Chili's into our photo booth. We took so many pictures and it was great. I had so much fun with my friends (:

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