Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Miss America!

Before we get to London Fashion Week, something else deserves a post.

#MissAmerica was the hashtag to tag Sunday night!

I didn't watch it live because I was with Luis (Saturday was our month-iversary and it continued throughout the weekend!) and he doesn't like that kind of stuff so we watched Now You See Me, World's Most Dangerous Gang, and Olympus Has Fallen instead. I'm not really complaining, we had a great time together and all the movies were great (Even though Olympus Has Fallen had a very similar plot to White House Down, and I'd much rather watch a movie about Channing Tatum saving the president than Gerard Butler... Just being honest here. Nothing against the Catholic Scot, I absolutely loved him in PS I Love You!)

Anyways, back to Miss America.

Congratulations to the beautiful Miss New York, Nina Davuluri!

I was so excited to hear that she had won, and even more so after watching the reruns of the pageant. She was fabulous, and she's been handling the win so well!

It seriously pissed me off to see all the tweets. If you want to really see my reaction to those... Here they are:

I was pretty upset to see all that nastiness. And then for some people to go in afterwards and say they were just messing around is just as bad. It's not funny, it's not a joke. Racism is very real and oppressive and some people just need to realize that it needs to end ASAP. We are too advanced a society to be putting up with this kind of behavior. Grow up guys.

Anyways, I thought her performance was amazing, and well deserving of her title.

I think that's exactly what Miss America should be. America is a land made up of immigrants, a land of diversity. It's a melting pot of an incredible number of cultures, traditions, religions, and rituals. All kinds of different people live here and make it the great country that it is. Miss New York did an amazing job of showing that cultural diversity that is America. I loved it!

But she wasn't the only superstar of the night. Miss Iowa definitely deserved something for making it as far as she did. She'd gorgeous, talented, and brilliant. No one can dare say she's disabled!

If this Miss doesn't provide inspiration to somebody, somewhere, well then I don't know what does.

Miss Florida was also incredibly brave and talented. How many women feel so comfortable as to go out on a runway in front of millions of people wearing a brace?

Not to mention wearing a brace while half naked in a bikini or while twirling batons. High fives all around for Miss Florida (not to mention that Florida is one of my favorite states!)

And a special shout out to Georgia, just cause I live here. And she did pretty well too!

I do find it hard to believe that 53 beautiful women could come together in a competition and not be catty...

But yay for group hugs and on-stage good sportsmanship!

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