Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So since school started it's been REALLY hard to keep posting.

Mostly because it's been really hard to do anything.

Other than work and study that is.

Remember back when I went applying to tons of places at the mall?

Well, I started at Teavana a bit over a month ago!

Which means that all the time I'm not spending at Chick-fil-A or school, I'm spending selling people 98 different kinds of teas (which can be blended into hundreds of different combinations to create thousands of tea drinks, it's crazy)

And I talk about cast iron so much that it's ingrained into my poor little head that it's the best, most efficient way to brew the most delicious cup of tea!

Not to mention that 16 different artisans have touched this pot and it's super rare and used in all kinds of Japanese tea ceremonies, and these things are actually a status symbol in Japan! They also cost about $650-750 a set for a pot, a warmer, a trivet, 10 cups, 15 plates, and the tray. Great deal (;

And if I can't convince people to drop the $180 for the tea pot, I'll convince them to drop $30 on the finest, highest quality loose-leaf tea!

It's fun, and I'm learning a TON about all kinds of different types of tea (not to mention that it's totally healthy and supposedly good for me!).

But even better than free healthy tea is...

A 30% discount on totally unhealthy and fattening Starbucks coffee!!!

And a free pound of coffee once a week! It's awesome! My mom and I are totally enjoying this perk!

So between the 40ish hours a week at Chick-fil-A, a few less than 20 at Teavana, and my 5 classes, I'm a little swamped!

Especially now that my Chick-fil-A is being remodeled (you'd think that my store being closed down would mean more time for me, but nope!).

I have the amazing opportunity to be working a Grand Opening over the next two weeks as a trainer!!

Which means teaching a brand new team how to do everything the Chcik-fil-A way!

Which means:

Dealing with this huge crowd on a daily basis

While keeping the store looking impeccable like this

And dealing with HUGE drive thru lines like this

So people will keep coming and wanting to

As well as teaching them all how to use and clean all of our equipment.

Like the awfully beloved Ice Dream Machine

And breaking down the lemonade machines at the end of the night without getting pulp on everything in the store

It's really fun and I hope I get to do more grand openings in the future!

And meanwhile, in the process of getting ServSafe certified at Chick-fil-A

And learning about 98 different teas, a dozen different types of pots, and all their symbolisms

I've also been going to school full time!

Which means learning everything I can about financial accounting

And business statistics

And constitutional law

And the International Political Economy

And Microeconomics

And getting good grades in all those classes to keep my GPA high!

And that's why I haven't been posting as much about... well anything really.

So let's see if I can get back on track, but if I don't... You guys know why!

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