Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Second Job

So my Chick-fil-A is closing down for two weeks in September.

And I am freakingggg out!

Two weeks means one entire paycheck for me, and when you live paycheck to paycheck... Missing one is just not an option.

So that means I have been applying like crazyyyyyy for jobs today. I've had 7 jobs and all of them involved food (from being a dishwasher at Girl Scout camp, to fast food and waitressing...) so I'm really looking for something different.

And being the shopaholic that I am.... RETAIL!!!!

I've applied to at least 10 different stores today. Charming Charlie, multiple Forever 21s, Bebe, Cathy Jean, Body Central, Charlotte Russe, Claire's, Icing by Claire, DK Monogram, H&M, and JC Penny. Pretty much every store at Town Center and Cumberland malls. The only problem is that most of them want me to have retail experience... I have 5 years of work experience, but no retail! It's tough, but hopefully someone will be impressed by my resume and call me back.

I can't wait to get that employee discount!!!

I'm also thinking about applying at a bank, just cause I would love an excuse to wear a suit every day!

Whatever job comes my way, I'll be thankful for. It's been almost a whole year since I've worked two jobs, and the budget has been tight, even with the raises I've gotten along the way.

However, I'm not planning on keeping two jobs. I'll work both until Christmas time, because fall is always extra expensive for me, because of my anniversary in October, Luis's and Brian's birthdays in November, and Christmas in December. It's too many presents, too much time off, and too much travelling. So hopefully an extra paycheck will help with that.

Let's see where life takes me this time!

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