Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hello My Name Is

Child of the one true King!

I am currently 100% obsessed with this song.

It's so uplifting and beautiful.

I mean, how often do we go through our lives looking at ourselves in the mirror thinking "My goodness, I'm so ugly, look all these physical features that could be better about me? Ugh, I'm such an idiot, why did I do that?? I'm so confused, what am I supposed to do with my life? I feel so lonely and broken inside."

Or how about those times when other people are the ones putting us down?? Using words like 'loser,' 'stupid,' 'Oh, he's such a liar,' 'she's a gossip' and reminding us of all our insecurities?

We're so quick to put ourselves down, and so quick to remind ourselves of our past shortcomings and failures. We find it hard to love ourselves and let others love us. This song does an amazing job of reminding us that no matter what kinds of shortcomings and failures we may have had, God looks past those and sees us for who we truly are, His children.

He has broken away the chains that tie us to our past sins and regrets, so we can live in freedom in His love and mercy.

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