Friday, July 26, 2013

Packing Up

I have been packing nonstop like crazy these past two days.

My lease expires this weekend and I hadn't really started yet, so that's always a problem....

So Luis and I have been going crazy on my dorm. I have so much more stuff than I thought I did! Kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, decoration stuff, school stuff, makeup stuff, random stuff that I can't throw away but also don't what to do with it stuff, paper stuff, memory stuff, extra stuff. It's insane!

I started the packing really organized. All the decoration goes inside this box, all the kitchen stuff inside that box, books in this one, clothes in the suitcase, etc etc. But then I realized how much STUFF I have, and changed gears. Now it's, oh this one fits here, that one fits there, I think I can shove this one here.

Plus there's that tedious part about packing and cleaning that goes like this: "I was looking for that!" "What's this?" "I forgot about this!" "Oh, I remember this... Good times!" "Let me read this." and nothing ever gets done because I'm too busy reminiscing or reading.

I brought a crazy amount of boxes home from Chick-fil-A, hoping and praying that they'd be enough to put everything up with. I did forget that I have 3 suitcases, 2 laundry baskets, and tons of those big Ikea-like bags that I could also put stuff in. Plenty of storage space, thank goodness.

I'm here emptying everything out. I took everything out of all the drawers and out of all the cabinets and all storage space in my room, but the thing that makes me feel like I'm moving the most is my empty closet. I've been sleeping on a mattress without and linens other than a pillow and a quilt, and it's my empty closet that gets to me.

Go figure.

All my clothes are so neatly folded into my suitcases (read: my bulging, overfilled suitcases), unpacking them is going to be a pain and a half.

Everything is starting to look so empty.. Things are going inside boxes, boxes are going inside Luis's car. It's kind of emotional, thinking about leaving this place that's been my home for almost a year now.

Anyways, Luis and I are finding ways to enjoy ourselves while packing... Especially since the dorms give us these awesome bins to roll our stuff (and ourselves) around in!

I was slightly reminiscent of the Taylor Swift "22" music video, and I bet I was having just as much fun as she was shooting it.

Plus, on a quirky aside, we lucked out and got bin 116, which, for you non-Lecrae lovers out there, is pretty much Lecrae's anthem. Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed! I went to his concert last year and we chanted one one six at the top of our lungs, because we're not ashamed of the Gospel!

But now we're wrapping up and it's time to say goodbye to my dorm...

Bye bye...

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