Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saying Goodbye To My Dorm

This post has come a lot sooner than I thought it would...

My lease at Kennesaw is finally over.

Talk about bittersweet.

I can't wait to a cheaper dorm, because $580 a month for my teeny tiny dorm room with no kitchen is absurd. I'm moving to a $555 dorm that has a stove, a living room, a washer and dryer. That's $25 cheaper for a lot more things than I have now. Only negative part is that I'm going to have 3 roommates this go around instead of just 1. Hopefully we'll all get along *fingers crossed*

Even though I'm sort of looking forward to changing scenes, this room has been my home for the past year, and I hate moving around. I think I just finally truly settled in the place, and now it's time to pack up and move on again. I just barely finished decorating the place, and here we go again.

So you guys got to see what my dorm looked like while packing up, but here's what my dorm looked like before moving time came around:

My poster from my Life Teen 'graduation' that the class of 2013 made for us, surrounded by two beautiful butterfly portraits that I bought this year:

My butterfly boards that I got from Wal-Mart hanging over my closet:

This is by the door to my room. The cross that Luis gave me for my 15th birthday (we weren't even dating yet!) and a key hanger that I bought this past year:

The shoe hanger over my door... honestly one of the best things I bought all year. Along with a cute little "I <3 Me" pillow door decor thing that I've had forever:

My (somewhat) organized closet:

My awesome coordinating bed. The fact that my comforter and pillows match make me happier than you can imagine. Plus my and Luis's little stuffed animal family in the corner:

My calendar, which is pretty much the only decor I haven't taken down yet, because I'm afraid that because it's a stick on, I won't be able to save it until the next dorm:

My lamp, courtesy of Luis, and the super messy makeup and jewelry drawer behind it.

I also have a little frame that hangs over my bed with the "Don't Quit" poem, a Mother Theresa quote plaque, and another cross hanging over my make up/jewelry station that I didn't take pictures of.  (Do you see the butterfly/love/Christian theme of my wall decor??) I worked so hard all year to make this place homey, that now I'm sad that it's so super empty and filled with boxes. I'm going to miss it.

But hopefully my dorm this upcoming school year will feel just as much as 'home' as this one felt, and I'll make friends with my new roommates.

Here's to a great, new home!

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