Sunday, July 14, 2013

Brunna's Book Club -- Backseat Saints

Oh my goodness. This week's book had me all over the place crazy!

This week I am recommending Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson.

This novel is about Rose Mae Lolley, or Ro Grandee as she's known after she's married. This girl has seen abuse all throughout her life. First she watched her father beat her mother. Then once her mother left, her father turned on her. After running away from her father, she was involved with a long line of bad men who just continued the abuse, only to find herself married to Thom Grandee, possibly the worst out of all of them.

It's a rough read, that's for sure. Just seeing what she, and so many other women in real life, go through is heart breaking. The reader gets to see the abuse from her eyes, feeling what Rose feels. There are nurses dying to call the cops on Thom, but Rose won't have it, Ro Grandee loves Thom too much. She stays married to him for five long and gruesome years, when one day, while driving her elderly neighbor to the airport, Rose runs into a gypsy who tells her her fortune. She is given the choice to choose between her life and Thom's. This opens her eyes to the fact that she has been hiding from herself all along; she will not survive if she stays married to Thom.

After failing to kill Thom herself, finding out her mother has left her a note behind, and becoming obsessed with a long lost love from high school, Rose is in for the adventure of her lifetime as she follows her gut and her saints throughout the country, looking for a safe haven from the abuse she has always known.

It's a really intriguing novel, and it gives the reader a rare insight on the mind of a battered woman. Rose's mind and the way she lives her life kept me on the edge the whole story through. At the end I also got to read the first chapter of another one of Jackson's novels, and I do believe that I will be reading more of her books.

Let me know what you think about this book! And I'm always open to new book recommendations!

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