Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So Luis is away for two weeks on a road trip with our friend, Jon...

...And I'm all lonely in Atlanta ):

Jon moved to Seattle about a year ago, and now he's moving back to Atlanta, but since he bought a car while in Seattle he wants to bring that back to Atlanta too. So the two geniuses decided that it would be a good idea to drive from one ocean to the other in a stick shift car. Pray for them please.

And they can't even come straight from Seattle! They needed to make a stop in Los Angeles first and come through the south instead of cutting straight through the Midwest.

I just watched the movie Road Trip (the one with Robert Downey Jr and the slow guy from The Hangover) with Luis like last week, so I'm not feeling good about this. I even made Luis take his passport with him just in case they mistake the Mexico border for a Texaco (movie reference).

Luis is having fun though, so at least there's that. Although I am kind of jealous that he got to visit the Space Needle...

...and the first ever Starbucks... I love Starbucks!!!

And he keeps sending me pictures of all the beautiful scenery (I've never been out West), which only makes me even more jealous!

Oh well, at least I'm going to Florida this upcoming weekend, so I won't be completely bored while he's gone. I do really miss him though...

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