Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lazy Day to Busy Day

I love lazy days!!

Sunday was most definitely a very lazy day.

Luis had to work all day, so I just chilled in my dorm alllllll day, watching The Bachelorette!

Carlin introduced me to it this past Tuesday, and I watched 3 episode over the week, and finished catching up on all the rest of the episodes yesterday. It drove me absolutely crazy. I thought I would hate it and dismiss it as a corny, fake show, but I'm in love with this corny, fake show! I can't wait to watch last night's episode today!

While watching The Bachelorette, I also took the opportunity to paint my nails a super glittery light purple color, and I munched on soooo many snacks (unhealthy day too!)

And then I started on Masterchef, because I love me some Gordon Ramsey, and all his TV shows! I also loved seasons 2 and 3 (didn't watch 1...), so when I saw that season 4 had already started and was already 14 episodes in, I knew I had to catch up ASAP. (It made me feel really guilty about the snacks. When will I have a real kitchen???)

I also filled out a few job applications and went to sleep super duper extra early, like 9 PM early. It was a good day to relax after the craziness of Cow Appreciation Day!

But then Monday came around.

Unlike most of the general population, I do not hate Mondays. I actually like starting the week and getting things done. As much as I love weekends and wish they could be slightly longer, I see no reason to hate on poor Monday just because it comes first.

Anyways, it was a busy morning. I woke up extra early, picked up Karima, and headed to Chick-fil-A for breakfast. I used our printer their to print off a few things for Karima's baby shower. I actually can't wait to post about that!! We then had breakfast with Jessica, since she was working.

Finally, we drove up to Ulta because apparently they were having a sale that Karima absolutely had to catch. We got there at almost 9, but they didn't open until 10. So we just chilled outside at Whole Foods filling out applications and taking selfies.

Finally, Ulta opened and we went inside. Karima bought some face wipe things and almost bought gel eye liner, and I got a $2 foot scrubber thing. I have no idea what those rocks are called... But it was a little set and cheap and since I've started on a "do my own nails" mission, I figured it was a good, cheap investment.

Then we left and went back to Cumberland Mall. A little background: we went on Saturday cause Karima was dying to buy a sundress she had seen there on sale. I ended up doing some in store job hunting, and this guy at Teavana fell in love with me pretty much. When I asked if they were hiring his eyes got big and round and he started talking about how they need great people persons and good customer service skills (I actually didn't go in there to apply, but we got comfortable chatting over different types of tea so I figured why not?). So he made me come back yesterday with an application.

My fruits of the day? An interview with Teavana on Wednesday, with only one more after that. A phone interview with New York and Company on Thursday (I'm really hoping that this one is the winner... I love NYC!!!), the lady loved the fact that I'm bilingual (ahem, multilingual thank you very much) and told me that they were looking to hire a Spanish speaker (why are my Portuguese and French always ignored???) and was really excited about me (YAY!!!).

I also dropped off a few other applications and resumes. Charming Charlie told me that they were going to start doing interviews soon, and that they always pulled the ones with resumes first. Victoria's Secret just politely took my application and told me that they would give it to the hiring manager (This would be my 2nd choice, but they asked the least questions *tears*). Forever 21 totally gave me the third degree asking about how I would balance school, Chick-fil-A, and them. Like excuse me? I wouldn't be applying if I thought I wasn't capable. I've juggled 3 jobs and school before, so chill. They were one of my top choices, but I'm not so sure now, with that awful attitude the manager had (Still, an employee discount there would be sweet!).

H&M totally turned me down though. They told me to come back mid-August and try again. I also considered Wet Seal and Charlotte Russe, but I didn't really want to work at either one. The employee discounts there didn't really draw me in. I haven't been a fan of Aeropostale or American Eagle since middle school, other than for jeans. So that's all I applied to.

Then it was work time. I had an hour long meeting with Liz about my leadership journey, which went pretty well I thought. After that, it was just work as usual, only extra slow because everyone decided that they didn't want chicken yesterday. Like we were really, really, extra, super slow. Crazy slow. It was painful. I got to learn lots of shift leader stuff, so that was fun, sorta. It was a great time to really connect with customers and keep the store spotless.

So yea, that was the beginning of my week! How did yours go??

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