Friday, May 31, 2013

Sick Day

I'm being a sick puppy today ):

Last night I was hanging out with Luis, Carlin, and Pedro when I passed out.

Turns out I had forgotten to eat all day.

Good thing that it was at the end of the day yesterday so Luis spent the night with me taking care of me, but I still had to go to work today. I was supposed to work from 11 to close, but ended up coming in at 10 30.

Today was probably the worst work day I have ever had in my life. I was super light headed all day long, and slightly incoherent. I was slow on understanding what people were saying to me, and I wasn't even smiling brightly at my customers! I was just kind of hazy all day long.

I didn't eat anything last night after passing out, because I was pretty sure that I was going to throw up if I did, especially since I was already feeling woozy and my stomach was upset. I had a chicken biscuit and a half this morning. Then lunch was what turned me over. I had chicken strips, a parfait, and a cookie. I should have probably skipped the fried stuff, because my stomach really started hurting after that. I ended up throwing up two hours after eating and finally got sent home.

So now I'm lying down in bed, totally ready to turn in early.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better for work tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Arrivals!

Lilly Pulitzer sent me an email earlier this week announcing their new arrivals!

I finally had time to get on the website and look at the new goodies! They are so cute, and I am practically drooling!

Here are some of my favorites!

This is the Delisa Dress in Yummy Melon and Resort White. Now, normally I don't have an issue picking out a favorite between styles/colors of the same dress, but today, you're going to see a couple of repeats. All of the new arrivals from Lilly are simply gorgeous, no matter in what color they came.

Price: $248

The Delisa Dress is their current advertised dress on the front page, and all I have to say is that it deserves its spot there. I love the loose, casual look it has, with the slightly belted waist. I am also totally in love with the sleeves. The sheer, hanging off the elbow look is so cute! Plus the details on the neckline are adorable. I just love everything about this dress!

Then we have this lovely Dionne Dress. Yes, it is a dress. It's a combo. It also has pockets in the skirt. And it's one shouldered.

Price: $168

I have such a deep love for anything one shouldered, or hanging off the shoulder, or shoulder baring, or anything shoulder related. I simply just love showing my shoulders off. Any dress that let's me do that gets an A+! Plus, the skirt is fairly high waisted in this combo, so it would do a great job of concealing my little food baby bump. Not to mention that the print on the skirt is super cute! I just love love love this dress!

Price: $188

Next we have this Adabelle Sweater Dress. Finally I was able to pick one color above the others! The blue and white ones were cute too, but I felt like the white was just an itty bit boring and the blue a little too bright. As much as I love standing out, it would be too much for anywhere other than by the water. And the beautiful woven details are lost in its brightness, and I am totally digging these woven details, especially the ones hanging along the bottom.

Price: $98

Finally, there's this beautiful Tate Skirt. I think that it's so cute and flirty. The hemline is really playful with the swirls and the almost cupcake wrapper effect it gives. I love it!

Lilly has also started taking orders for next year's agendas!

I couldn't help but go hunting for an adorable Lilly Agenda. They have all kinds: small, large, and jumbo. As well as a Luxe Agenda, and a simple monthy agenda as well. My two favorites were the small agenda and the Luxe.

Here they are

Price: $17

I really really like this Navy Tiger Lilly print on the agenda. They have tons of other prints that are absolutely gorgeous as well. I wouldn't mind having any of them, actually. They are all super cute and I would love them in my collection, but this one was just my favorite. Plus it's an agenda from August of 2013 all the way to December of 2014. That's perfect so I don't have to buy a new agenda for the fall! I am really tempted to buy this one, especially since it's totally not unaffordable!

Price: $40

Here's the Luxe agenda! I really like it because it looks so sophisticated. It has the gold-tipped pages and the  ribbon marker that just makes the agenda look great! Plus I love that design!

And that's it for the list of my favorite new arrivals at Lilly!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's Graduation Time

It's that time of year again.

Everyone is talking about graduations and going to graduation parties and crying because they're all going their separate ways after graduation.

It is also the one year mark for when my life got flipped around.

About a week before my birthday last year, my mom announced that she was moving to Florida. Of course, my brother and sister were going with her, but I had already paid the deposit on my dorm room in Kennesaw and was registered for my classes. I had a great job at Chick-fil-A and had just been asked to start my leadership journey to become a team leader. Not to mention that I also have Luis and all my friends here. Leaving Atlanta was definitely not in my plans.

The final decision ended up being that they would be moving and I would be staying. The incredible irony of this is the fact that I always said that I would be going as far as possible from Georgia when I graduated. I didn't want to stay here. I wanted to travel and go to school in another state and start my life over from scratch. I wanted to live that American college dream.

But no. I stayed, and my family left. At the time, it hurt. I couldn't even imagine living with my mom in Florida and me in Georgia. Mind you, that does not mean we had a great relationship. We have an amazing relationship now, and we had one before high school, but something happened in high school that just tore us apart and by my senior year, we couldn't hold a conversation for longer than 10 minutes without it turning into an argument. I was glad to be getting away, but I didn't want to be SO away either.

The announcement came right before my birthday, so I had a month to prepare myself. I planned with friends to stay at their places over the summer. I told people at church, so I would have them to rely on if all else failed. My mom would be leaving on the last day of May, and my dorm would not be available until August 14th. I had a summer of house-hopping ahead of me.

During that month, I had to learn how to drive. I had never seen the immediate need to learn how, and I personally hate cars and driving with a passion, so since I had my mom and Luis to drive me around, what did I need to know how to drive for? So I bought a super old and beat up 1998 Ford Explorer from my cousin for $900 and I started my struggle to learn. It's a good thing my first car was that super big metal box, because I crashed into so many poles and ran over more curbs than I can count.

My Explorer's name was Shelly, and I don't think I ever took a full shot of her. She was kind of ugly *cough really ugly cough* so she didn't get pictures. Here are her tires. One is from a particularly high curb, and the other from a tree.

And after she was completely totaled in September (that's a story for another time) I only kept the decal on the front of her, as a souvenir and reminder of how she saved my life.

I also got a second job working as a waitress at a Mexican restaurant down the street from Chick-fil-A. On the day of my graduation, May 25th, I drove my mom's car to get my liquor license so I could work at the restaurant.

This beauty sparked up a lovely conversation about how at 18 I can die for my country, and I can serve people alcohol, but I can't drink it myself. Not that I particularly care, but Facebook blew up on this one.

I then I drove to the DMV, and butchered my test. Fortunately, the guy giving me the exam passed me with a 70. A few tears were involved, but I got the license, which is what mattered.

From there, we went home. I put on my dress, cap, and gown, and we went off to graduation. I graduated with the Magnet Seal and with Honors. I also had cords for French Honor Society and one more that I can never remember what that last cord was for.

This is the only picture of me from graduation on Facebook, and I didn't even post it. I'm sure there are more pictures on my sister's laptop, but I never got to see them or get them for myself to post them. Because three days later, we were finishing up our packing and moving everything away. It was a good thing I had bought the Explorer, because it did all of our moving.

Here I am in the passenger seat, all cramped up next to boxes. We moved everything into a storage and my family only took clothes and necessities with them. My whole room and bathroom was fit into the back of the truck, with clothes in luggage, cosmetics and toiletries in laundry baskets, and everything else in boxes. I was also given an air mattress. So with everything in my back seat, I spent the summer living at Luis's and my god-daughter's, Alexa, mostly.

I got a third job halfway through summer and just worked everyday. I took a few short breaks from work: a one day vacation to be whisked away to Tybee Island by Luis, and two weeks in Nicaragua on a mission trip. The rest of the summer was working until school started.

This is one of those things that I look back on today and I can say both "Wow, it's already been a year?" and "Woah, it's only been one year?" because I feel like just yesterday I was sharing a room with my brother, getting yelled at for coming home past 11 after a date with Luis, and telling my mom to go buy me conditioner because I ran out again. And at the same time, it feels like that was a lifetime ago, and I have been living on my own for ever.

My life is so different now, and it has been through all kinds of twists and turns throughout the past year. And despite everything that has happened, I think I'm finally at a point where I am truly becoming happy with my life and the way I'm living it. I'm not quite there yet, and I still have no idea what I'm going to do for the rest of my life, but I'm figuring it out little by little.

No one said life was going to be easy. In fact, they told me that growing up was going to be very very hard. And they didn't lie, it has been. This past years has been the hardest year of my life, but if I could go back to April of last year when I decided that I was going to stay in Georgia, I would make the same decision once again. This is my life now.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Love-Hate Relationship

I have an extremely emotional and wearisome love-hate relationship.

It's tiring and amazing at the same time.

And it's with my hair.

I am extremely vain and my hair is a huge source of my vanity. It is long, dark brown, and full. And it's naturally very very curly. And here's where the love-hate part comes in. I like my hair curly sometimes. It's a fun, bouncy look for me, and great for when I want texture,

But my hair looks so much better straightened! My hair in the above picture looks like it just goes slightly below shoulders. False. In this picture, my hair length was well below the bra line, but it curls up so much, it looks short. When I straighten my hair it's loooong and sleek and shiny. So pretty.

Both looks are so much work though!

To wear it curly, I have to wash it and drench it in hair mousse while it's still wet. And by drench it in hair mousse, I mean make sure every single strand has hair mousse in it. EVERY single strand. And then I can't brush it or tie it back well, and it sits there bouncing against me and getting in the way.

To wear it straight, I have to wash it, dry it, and spend the next two hours straightening it strand by strand, layer by layer. If I miss one layer or strand, my hair turns out poofy and has bumps in the back. But once it's straight, I can do everything and anything with my hair, and it's great and easily managed until my next wash.

The struggle is real.

Here comes the hardest part of this relationship... I absolutely 100% despise haircuts!

No one understands my plight! They see my hair, understand it's hard to handle, understand that I wear it straight most of the time, and they want to take the easy way out and perm my hair! NO!!! I have virgin hair and I'm not changing that anytime soon! It has never been dyed or permed or chemically anything. The most I have ever done to my hair is deep condition and relax it. Stay away from me and your confounded chemicals!

But I hate my hair, I do. It's so thick and hard to handle and it takes forever to fix! I love it as soon as it looks good though! So cutting it off is not an option. Especially since I look like I belong in the 90s with the extreme poof of my short hair.

As much as I hate hair cuts however, they are necessary, or else my hair ends up looking like this

The dryness and split ends makes me nervous

That is simply not acceptable. I haven't cut my hair in almost two years. I hate everyone who approached my hair with clippers, and I feel like no one ever does a good job. I have only ONCE walked away from a haircut that I liked when I left the salon and I liked a week later after all their salon magic potions had been washed out of my hair.

Me in 2009 after my happy haircut

I went to Brasil in the beginning of summer, got my hair done there, and it looked great well into the fall. It was the only time I have ever been truly happy with a haircut.

My next haircut was so bad, I had to leave the hair salon while my mom was paying so I could cry over how terrible my hair looked. (I actually have quite a few hair salon crying episodes, ranging all the way back since I was 5 years old. I told you I hate getting my hair cut) We went to another salon to fix it less than 3 months later. I have not cut my hair since, and have ever since then been convinced that I would only ever cut my hair again in Brasil, because every American salon had ruined my hair.

This has led to me not getting my hair cut since Luis's senior prom. As in over two years ago. My hair is a disaster. So finally, I have been cajoled and tricked into getting my hair cut. As soon as I stepped foot in Florida this time around, my cousin took me straight to his friend's house, who happens to be a hair stylist. Yay...

Of course, I was super nervous, like heart palpitating nervous, but I know that my hair is in serious need of some treatment. The split ends are taking over me. So I let them take me in, with the agreement that the hair stylist would not cut a millimeter more than I said was okay. That's another big issue I have with hair salons. I say only two inches off and all of a sudden they think they work for Locks for Love and are chopping all my hair off. I have a really bad story about going from waist length hair to above the shoulder... I started crying in the salon that time.

So here I am super nervous at the hair salon

She was pretty nice. She kept checking with me on the amount of hair to cut off and asked me about style and framing at least half a dozen times. THANK YOU JESUS! Finally a hair stylist that cares about how I want my hair! She did try to push a hair treatment on me, which I adamantly said no to, but she did semi-convince me. If my hair turns out good this time and after I do some more research on this treatment, I might cave in to what she wanted. It sounds like a relaxer to me so if that's what it is, bring on the relaxing!

I only got a deep conditioning this time though. And she snipped away, styling. And after 4 hours in that salon (I told you I have a lot of hair...) here's the final results:

My hair is so shiny, I had someone ask me on Instagram if I dyed it. My hair is still lovely and long. It feels great and soft. She layered the front almost perfectly. I'm happy! I just hope that it still looks and feels this good after I wash it on Saturday. I have to spend 3 days without wetting it to let the deep condition really set in (Which totally sucks because we're going to the beach today!) So if on Sunday, my hair still looks good, I may have found myself a keeper in a hair stylist!

Here's my post-haircut glam shot!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back On The Road

I'm heading back to Florida tonight!

It's only for two days this time though, not even really. I'm leaving tonight, getting there tomorrow morning, and leaving Thursday night to be back by Friday. Not even one full day back home for me *tear*

I normally wouldn't go back so soon after having been there. I mean, how much can I miss in a week? That's not even enough time for me to readjust to Atlanta life. But my aunt is visiting from Brasil this week! She's arriving there tonight and staying for a week. I would stay for the whole time, but I already took too many days off from work with my birthday and Mother's Day, and unfortunately, that means not having enough money to break even this month. I can do two more days off though. I can't wait to see my aunt!!

Not to mention that the trip tonight is going to be great!

How on earth could an almost 9 hour bus trip be great you say?

Well, because I have people in my life who love me and I now have this beauty!

Yes, it is a Kindle! Remember how I just said I wanted one just barely a week ago?? Well, my mommy loves me, and she bought me one. I feel so spoiled and adored!!! And since she's an Amazon Prime member, I get to download books for free from their lending library! I just downloaded my first book this morning, and I intend on having it read by the time I arrive home tomorrow morning. (No, the book I downloaded is not the one showing up on the screensaver. That's just an ad)

And speaking of my wish list, I also got two more beauties from my list. These are courtesy of my loving God-sister.

Isn't this so cute??? You can't really tell from this picture, but on the upper right corner there's a butterfly. I love butterflies! And there's also a little bow on the side of the bottom. Super cute!!! I'm in love with this bikini! So now you know what I'll be wearing every time I go in the water this summer.

This one is equally as cute. The only problem with it is that it's strapless, and strapless things and I have issues often. The picture definitely doesn't do it justice, because to put it on I have to twist the top, and I couldn't get it to stay for the picture. Beyond cute though. Perfect for a day when I just want to sunbathe and look cute.

I feel so spoiled by the fact that I've been showered with these lovely gifts!

People do love me (:

Saturday, May 18, 2013


In high school, I used to adamantly deny that I was preppy when people used to call me that.

I still agree that I was definitely NOT preppy in high school.

However, I do consider myself preppy now. I'm sure some of my old high school friends would get a kick out of that. Especially considering how many times I stomped my foot and declared "I'm NOT!"

Yes, I have always been the kind of girl that does not walk out the front door looking anything less than fabulous (except for a short little identity crisis that started at the end of elementary school and lasted until 7th grade-ish, when I insisted that I was a total tomboy, but that's irrelevant at the moment). Heels, make up, hair done, cute clothes. Always, always, always necessary. I do my make up to go to work, even if the only thing I'm doing that day is working.

This was true throughout high school, however, I don't consider my high school style necessarily 'preppy'. I was still trying to figure myself out and wore anything and everything that I thought looked good on me. I still wear pretty much anything, I'm not the type of girl to stick strictly to fads or genres. If it's cute, I look good in it, and the weather is appropriate, I will wear it.

However, my style has slowly been evolving into a more and more preppy style. I've become slightly obsessed (haha) with largely preppy brands like Kate Spade and others.

Here's a few of the items I've been ogling from the new arrivals lately.

Some from Lilly Pulitzer:
Price: $298

I love this Roswell Dress! I usually hate stripes, but this one is cute enough for me to overlook that. Plus the bow in the middle is gorgeous, and it's not a Lilly without a cute print! It makes the skirt look so shiny! Plus, it has pockets!

Price: $188

Here's the Janice Dress, and I'm in love. The print is lovely and I absolutely adore the faint green detail on the neckline. They have a blue one too, but for once, I pick pink over blue! Plus I think the model's pose is so cute!

Price: $228

So cute! You can't really tell from this picture, but the skirt is pleated! Adorable! And the neckline is adjustable, so the dress can be strapless, one shoulder, or scoopneck! And the little belt is so adorable. I want the shoes the model is wearing too!

Price: $98

Throw some leggings under this tunic, add a pair of cute heels, and voila, we are ready to go. Classy, stylish, and sexy. I love it. Lilly is advertising it as a tunic to wear over bathing suits, but I'm loving my idea so much more!

Now here's a disclaimer. I don't pin or save lots of J. Crew items simply because I don't like how they dress their models on the website. Their clothes are really cute, but they have a tendency to match an item up with others that don't go well together, or overshadow the item they're trying to sell. Also, I don't like the 'messy' look they put on their models. It drives me crazy. Anyways, here we go.

Some from J. Crew:

Price: $295

This Frances Dress is just too cute. The floral print is beautiful and it's a lovely summer look. (See what I mean about messy? Look at the model's hair. Ugh)

Price: $228

I absolutely love this dress. It's so polished and simple, and I love the little origami effect on the collar. So cute!

Price: $198

However, I am having a hard time picking a favorite between these two origami dresses. I really like the wrap look on the neckline on this one. Plus, those shoes! Too cute (Ignoring the hair again)

Price: $68

I love love love the print on this T-shirt Dress! It looks so Lilly! Plus the dress looks so relaxed and comfortable while still being cute. I like!

Original Price: $39.50
Sale Price: $29.50

Look at this gem! I am SO tempted to buy it right now! Especially since it's not a crazy out of my league price. It's a portable battery for my iPhone! And it's cheetah print! I'm dying! I want it! They also have a plain baby blue one, and a navy blue one with white cords going across. SO CUTE!

Now this next one is newly discovered by me. Vineyard Vines. It is SO stinking cute, I love it. I can't believe I've gone all my life without ogling these outfits!!! It was incredibly hard for me to pick just 4 items to share (My solution was to do just dresses, and since I'm only doing new arrivals on this post, it narrowed down my options), so here we go.

Some from Vineyard Vines:

Price: $178

I mentioned earlier how I hate stripes, but obviously I keep contradicting myself. Allow me to rephrase: I hate stripes that make me look fat or awkward, which are usually horizontal and vertical stripes, respectively. On the other hand, inward facing diagonal stripes that create a beautiful slimming effect like on this dress, are perfectly wonderful. This dress is beautiful!

Price: $178

For once, I've picked the 'alternate color/print' button on a dress! The original is a navy with tiny white polka dots and a navy and white striped sash. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but this one is just gorgeous! The polka dots are so subtle and cute, and the sash colors bring an otherwise plain dress to life. I'm loving it!

Price: $198

Probably my favorite of all the Vineyard dresses. I love the patchwork look! I never in my life would have thought that I would like a patchwork print, but this works! It is so cute! And the pink sash does a wonderful job of bringing the dress together! Not to mention that it wraps quite nicely into a big bow in the back. A beautiful big bow, I might add. This dress is stunning! I'm in love!

Price: $165

Excuse me as I squeal. I love the ric rac design on this dress! Once again, a beautifully polished white dress, brought together by a super cute design. There was also the option for the dress to be navy with a peach-ish pink design. I actually did not like the other version at all. The pink was out of place in my opinion. Oh, did I mention that this dress also has pockets?? Love!

I could keep going on and on with the outfits I love from these classified preppy stores, but this post has gone on long enough. Maybe I'll follow up with a Part Two with clothes from stores like Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, and (of course!) Kate Spade.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ready For Summer

I had a lovely lazy beginning to my week.

After Mother's Day, life went back to normal for my family, except for the fact that I was still hanging around. My mom went back to work. Brian went back to school. Everyone had their own thing to do.

So I just chilled for a while. I visited the dentist on Monday and was a lazy butt for the rest of the day.

Whenever I get long periods of break time, I do a lot of web-surfing, which involved a lot of Polyvore for me on Monday.

I tried to keep a theme going with my Monday outfits. I have an obsession with professional clothes as you all already know, so I was purposely trying not to make business outfits. My theme was summer clothes, so here you are:

This is my southern girl look, I do live in the south after all. Or maybe it's a cowgirl look? Either way, I like it! The skirt is probably my favorite item in the whole outfit. The bolero is just there because I feel like the outfit is incomplete on Polyvore without an outerwear piece. I probably would keep it off even if it was chilly tho, the outfit is cute enough without any covering. And the hat is just the pièce de résistance to finish off the southern/western vibe of the outfit.

Here's another skirt look. It is definitely not my favorite look. I think I was rushed when I made this one. I think it's the jewelry that makes me not like it. I should have left it without the jewelry to keep the look simple, as it was meant to be. Also, the basket look and the gold don't go together. So let's just ignore all the jewelry and focus on those cute wedges and that hat that's ready for summer! 

Here's a nice and simple look. I finally picked out flats for an outfit! I guess I learned my mistake from the previous outfit. If an outfit looks best simple, don't keep adding stuff to it. Heels would have just made the simplicity of this outfit look awkward. My favorite pieces from this outfit? The adorable bracelet set from Charlotte Russe and the dress from Nine West. Least favorite? The Guess purse. It's cute, but probably not the best purse for this outfit.

After two outfits that I didn't like so much, here's a cutie. This one I would probably leave without the denim jacket, though. It's just there again for the sake of having outerwear. And look! I picked out non-heel shoes again! You all should feel very proud of me, I never wear nor pick out flat shoes. I do love how the stud earrings and the drops match so well. The studs are from Kate Spade and the drops from Barney's. And the cute case from Ralph Lauren was just a lucky find that went along so well with my outfit, I couldn't resist. I loved everything about this outfit so much. From the Sperry watch, to the cute little bow necklace, to the Chanel flap bag, this whole outfit is just lovely.

But as lovely as the previous outfit is, I have to leave the best for last. That Michael Kors off the shoulder jersey top is simply gorgeous. I would wear it all the time during the summer if I owned it. I love off the shoulder looks. Then the Dolce and Gabbana tote bag is a beautiful accessory, along with that Charlotte Russe necklace. The AX Paris pumps though? So lovely. I honestly can't pick a favorite item from this outfit. It's just so perfect! Someone please buy me this whole outfit??

(Did you notice that I finally made an outfit without outerwear?)

But now my lazy week is over and I gotta cram as much work in as possible over the next few days before coming back next week!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kate Spade Surprise!!!

Kate Spade is having a surprise sale!!!

And I got really excited because I was hoping that there would be something there I could afford.

Original Price: $98
Sale Price: $29

There are a couple affordable things that I like, like this belt (I am including the link to the actual Kate Spade page on each item so you can better see the items in detail. Just click on the "Sale Price" part of the caption). I currently have an obsession with waist belts, and I would love to add this beauty to my collection!

Original Price: $45
Sale Price: $19

I know that paying $19 for a pair of earrings is a bit of a stretch, but I'm talking affordable here, not reasonable, Plus, they're Kate Spade bow earrings! I make outfits with these on Polyvore all the time!

Original Price: $98
Sale Price: $29

Again, not a price I would normally pay on a pair of earrings, but these look like they're real gold and diamonds, and their name is.. wait for it... Gatsby Dot Hoops. How can you resist Kate Spade earrings named after Gatsby?? I couldn't!

Original Price: $50
Sale Price: $19

This little coin purse is too cute! I would totally buy it! But, I am currently torturing myself by looking at these beautiful, on-sale, Kate Spade items that I theoretically could afford, but I won't be able to before the sale is over because my bank account is currently facing a drought.

Original Price: $60
Sale Price: $29

This could totally be a mini travel make up bag for me! I could put the lipstick color of the day, a mascara tube, and a concealer in here and be good to go for the day. Oh the possibilities!

Original Price: $85
Sale Price: $39

Now, I don't have an iPad, but if I did, a Kate Spade iPad Cover would be a must. This one is just so cute! I love the detail of the stripes with the birds over them. Click on the link above to go to the Kate Spade page to see what I'm talking about. Absolutely adorable!

Now these were the affordable ones, but I can't look at the Kate Spade page without dreaming of the day I'll be able to afford everything else.

I love everything Kate Spade, because they have an amazing sense of style, but here are some of my favorites!

Well, a lot of my favorites.

Original Price: $298

Sale Price: $149

This purse is just beyond cute! I would take it up and down all over the place with me. It would look cute with a casual or a business outfit, and the neutral colors can go along with almost any color. I am beyond in love (Christmas present anyone?)

Original Price: $328
Sale Price: $139

This one is also super cute! They also have a cinnamon red version of it, but I liked the cream one better. Plus, it goes with more outfits.

Original Price: $248
Sale Price: $79

This one is beautiful, elegant, and chic. This is the kind of purse I would take with me to a fancy party or dinner.

Original Price: $328
Sale Price: $99

This one is just awesome. I would probably never wear it, but come on, it's a Pride and Prejudice book shaped clutch! That's just super cute and quirky, I love it and wanted to share the quirkiness!

Original Price: $285
Sale Price: $119

This one is also super cute. It's also big enough to fit all my goodies inside and more. I have an extreme love for big purses, mostly because I do lug around so much stuff.

Original Price: $275
Sale Price: $119

This purse just screams CUTE at me. Pink, stripes, and a bow!!! They also have a black and white option, but that one is just too depressive looking compared to this bright and fun purse. This one would also be very much appreciated as a gift!

Original Price: $335
Sale Price: $129

Original Price: $325
Sale Price: $129

Between these two calistas, the rose one is my favorite. They're both perfect for when I need to tote my laptop around with me somewhere, or even bringing a spare change of clothes or something that requires a lot of space. I love love love these.

Original Price: $295
Sale Price: $89

Now onto the jewelry. Isn't this necklace so cute! Even the clasp for the necklace has a cute little detail! Absolutely gorgeous!

Original Price: $128
Sale Price: $29

This one I'm posting up in honor of my God-daughter, Alexa. She loves turtles, and I can never see a turtle without thinking of her, so here's one for her!

Original Price: $250
Sale Price: $150

Original Price: $225
Sale Price: $135 

Oh my goodness!! I love these so much! It is so hard to find a cute and feminine watch! I have been on the hunt for one for ages now, and I simply can't find one! One within my budget that is. These are adorable and perfect for me and I really wish they were within the budget! Waah!

Original Price: $378
Sale Price: $99

Now we're on to clothes. Look at this dress! It's so sleek and sophisticated! The lines of where it changes from black to nude are perfect, their position makes such a beautiful slimming effect! I love it. Someone, please add this to my cart!

Original Price: $358
Sale Price: $99

YES! Beautiful and chic! The belt completes the outfit with and adorable break from the pale pink and a wonderfully slimming effect. And that red trim at the bottom? Magnifique!

Original Price: $448
Sale Price: $149

Can you see the pinched waist? I love that effect! It narrows the waist down to prevent giving the dress a flat, curve-less look. My favorite part about the dress however, is that beautiful collar. Too cute! It also has pockets, according to Kate Spade, and there's nothing more useful on a dress than pockets!

Original Price: $398

Sale Price: $129

Silk, magenta, bow, and pockets, what more could I ask for in a dress??? Way too cute! I can't stop staring at that beautiful bow. Sigh 

Original Price: $398
Sale Price: $99

I love a bold, sexy red look. I love peplum. Combine the two loves, and voila, we have this dress! It's my least favorite of the set I have picked out here, but still gorgeous nonetheless.

Original Price: $698
Sale Price: $249

I know winter is over (hopefully) but this tweed coat will be just as cute in November! I love the very faded, barely pink hue of the coat, with the bold pink details in the buttons and collar. Now, it doesn't show in this picture, but on the back of the neck, right under the collar, is the signature Kate Spade bow! Eek! Too cute!!!

Original Price: $348
Sale Price: $129

Here we have sophisticated and cute office wear. I am in love with this jacket. The lines on it, the collar, the pockets, the bracelet cut, the navy color, it's all too overwhelming. My favorite detail? The line across the jacket that looks like a belt. Gorgeous.

Original Price: $298
Sale Price: $79

This just might possibly be my favorite piece of the whole set. Adorable skirt, geometric shapes, lovely colors, and such a tiny waist! Perfect! I want it!

Original Price: $228
Sale Price: $99

Here's an adorable flat! I love the contrast of the white and black with the white details on the black parts and black details on white parts. So cute!

Original Price: $150
Sale Price: $59

Rain boot! I've been dying to get a rain boot, especially with all the rain we've been having lately! This one is absolutely gorgeous, and it's covered with Kate Spade bows!!! And it has a little heel on the back to make it my style boot! This one is also on my wish list! Someone please get it for me!!

Original Price: $328
Sale Price: $149

Last, but definitely not least, there is this stunner! I love the lovely matching between the light blue bow and the dark blue shoe. What you can't really tell from this picture is that the heel is a lime green color. If you look really closely you can see. Talk about contrast! Absolutely beautiful. I'm a size 6.5 guys, just in case anyone wants to know (;

And that's it for my super long, overly obsessive, Kate Spade post. I hope you guys enjoyed, and remember, I have links for every item underneath! The sale ends tonight at 11:59 PM, so get all your shopping in now!!