Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Bookworm's Dream Come True

I just discovered a beautiful function my Kindle provides.

I can borrow books from my local library! For free!!!

I am beyond excited!!! I've already spent way too much money on books for my Kindle in the past month, and I was scared that I wouldn't be able to keep up with this extravagant reading lifestyle of mine, even buying books under $3.99. I just read at too fast a pace too often!

Anyways, my library let's me borrow 5 books at a time, so I'm going to have a blast with that.

Here are the books I borrowed:

Friendship Bread by Darien Gee. I totally judge books by their covers, and this one just had a cute girly book cover, and I like girly books. Sure enough, when I read the blurb, the book is apparently a wonderful girly, women friendship story. It's also about paying it forward with this Amish bread called friendship bread. I'm sure it'll be a wonderfully corny story. I'll give you my review of it after I read it though.

Gathering of Waters by Bernice L. McFadden. "Tass Hilson and Emmett Till were young and in love when Emmett was brutally murdered in 1955. Anxious to escape the town, Tass marries Maximillian May and relocates to Detroit." That's the first paragraph of the blurb. They had me at 'in love' and 'brutally murdered.' Need I say more?

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder. This one I think is a part of a series, so I'm leaving this one for last, because the last book I picked out that had more than one book to the story ended up with me buying the second book without even checking how much it cost. That's how good the story was. Anyways, if I'm going to get hooked on this one too, I intend on having all my other books out of the way. And this one sounds like it's going to be a great hook. The blurb makes it sound like a futuristic, almost Hunger Games dash Uglies style story. I'm very excited to start on this one. I like dystopian sci-fis a little too much.

Trick of the Eye by Jane Stanton Hitchcock. This book had a review that described it as a psychological suspense tale. Yes please! The blurb talks about discovering past crimes and mystery and I love a good thriller.

A girly feel good read, a mystery in old Mississippi, a dystopian sci-fi, and a thriller. I read all kinds of book, from all kinds of genres, and I'm sure that'll come out a lot more as I keep sharing my reads on my blog.

As I'm sure you noticed, I said I can borrow five books, but only have four. That's because I accidentally borrowed Gone Girl as an audiobook, and now I can't figure out how to return it. So if anyone knows how I can return an audiobook, please let me know. In the meantime, I suppose I'll just stick to borrowing four at a time. Sigh.

Anyways, stay tuned for my reviews of these four books and the others I've been reading!

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