Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's Water Time!

The trees are turning green, flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the weather is getting warmer.

You know what that means right??

It's water time!

Who cares if it's the pool, a water park or the beach?? I just want to spend my summer by the water. I 100 per cent prefer the beach, but I live in Georgia, so what can I do?

This summer I insist on going to the pool at least once every other week. Last summer I only went to the pool twice and only actually got in once. I did get to go to the beach four times though. Once in Tybee Island, once in Orlando, and twice in Nicaragua (although I didn't go in the water once in Nicaragua).

Point is, summer means water. Water means... bathing suits!

So I totally decided to be a dreamer and go on the Michael Kors website to look at their bathing suits (as if I could ever afford one. Maybe one day when I'm super successful and rich... Hopefully I'll still be young enough when I reach that). I must say though, as much as I used to hate one piece bathing suits, I've recently developed an affinity for them. Somehow, my opinion about them has changed from old people, prudish bathing suits, to classy. Just goes to show how my style is growing and changing.

Here are some of my favorite Michael Kors maillots:

I'm really digging the 'dress' look of this maillot on the left. The plunging neckline, the belt, and the flare bottom really give it a sophisticated look and I feel like I could totally walk off the beach and down the street with that on. Too cute.

And on the right, this is just a really classic, sporty, one-piece look. I also like the belt effect.

I like these two because they have the halter neckline look. The one on the left is very Michael Kors style with that golden neckline, which also gives it a cute accessorizing look.

The one on the right is supposed to be snakeskin. Talk about exotic. I like the halter neckline, and yes, I'll admit, I do like the print too. It's cute!

These one shoulders are totally adorable! Orange is far from being a preferred color for me. As a matter of fact, it's at the very bottom of the palate of colors I like, right along with green. I just don't like orange, but this maillot is too cute, even in orange I would wear it! (Maybe not if I had to pay $112 for it). These two are the same maillots, just different designs, and I'm totally digging them.

And again, here I have the same maillot in two different colors. They're just so cute! The ruffles are super cute, and I really like how the maillot is actually pretty simple, but the design stands out anyways. I also feel like I could throw on some shorts and just wear it as a cute top after leaving the beach!

And we're back to the belted look. I really like belts. They're a great accessory to break the monotony of any one piece clothing (dresses, long shirts, maillots, etc), they're slimming, and they do a super job at hiding that nasty extra tummy fat that's always poking out from me.
I like these two because they have untamed prints. The one on the left could be called zebra, maybe, but they're just two really cute, out there maillots.

This last one is a bandini, not a maillot, but it was too cute let slip, and it covers just as much a maillot, so I let it slide. The two negatives with it: I usually avoid anything strapless, simply because I hate having to keep pulling my top up, it's just really annoying; and second, horizontal stripes always make me look wider (thus fatter) than I really am, and I don't need the added virtual pounds. However, it looks beautiful on the model, so I'm just going to pretend that it would look just as good on me.

All these adorable bathing suits, and the cheapest one was $112. I can go to the mall and come out with 12 different things for $112, and that's on an expensive, splurging day. But hey, it's fun to catalogue browse and dream.

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