Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Fun-Packed Weekend In Florida

People are starting to feel like I go to Florida every week.

I still feel like I don't visit enough.

Oh well, to each his own.

My cousin Monica (not my aunt Monica, they're two different people) came to visit from Brasil. Her and her husband, Marcos, do a trip together every year for their anniversary. It was in April, but they postponed just a little bit. So they spent a week here, the beginning in Miami and the second half in Orlando with us.

Now, my mom was busy working, because she had a big shot client from Brasil visit and he pays for her to pretty much be at his beck and call. So she was super busy and I had nothing to do... I took the car and ran around with my cousins all over the place!

Did I mention I'm allergic to tons of hair products?

I spent Thursday night on that awful Megabus, but it was super empty so it wasn't even so bad. Then Friday morning I went back to the hair salon with my cousin Marcia (I also have an aunt Marcia, so you see the cousin/aunt same names trend right?). I had a keratin treatment done to my hair and I spent six whole hours at our hairdresser's house. By the time she finished, I was ready to shave my whole head off. I can't sit still for that long, but I did take advantage of the time to get some reading in.

Hair done!

After our hair appointment, we went out to eat and then went back to her house and spent the evening looking a wedding dresses and cakes, because that's what we girls do when we have spare time and Pinterest. I found my wedding dress, finally! And it's only $350. I'm amazed. I'm half-tempted to buy it now before it stops being made or sells out or the price goes up. Half-tempted, but reason keeps me slightly in check.

We also discussed how many cakes I'm going to need and how we're going to mesh all the Brasilian, American, Salvadorean, and Mexican wedding traditions into one big event (Luis is half Mexican, half Salvadorean). It was wonderfully, giggly fun.

Finally I went home, stayed up all night on Twitter, then went to sleep. I woke up bright and early to pick up my cousin Monica at 9am from her hotel. She came along with her friend, Leticia, and her friend's husband, Thiago. So Monica, Leticia, and I ditched the guys and had a crazed shopping spree. Our whole family is pretty much up to their necks in the cake business, and Monica is one of the most involved. Leticia decorates the parties and Monica makes the sweets; they're quite the pair.

We hit up Jo-Ann, Michael's, and I introduced them to Starbucks. They cleaned Jo-Ann and Michael's clean of all kinds of wonderfully beautiful things, and they fell in love with Starbucks coffee. I ended up having Starbucks with them 4 times the whole weekend (Yay for more rewards points!).

Me and Monica

We then had the most amazing lunch at a Brasilian steakhouse with Marcos, and the waiter bought me a yummy brigadeiro for dessert. I was in heaven honestly. Then I took them to another Michael's, Sports Authority, Marshall's, and Bed Bath & Beyond. By the time we were done shopping, it was past ten!

After dropping off all our shopping at the hotel, Thiago and Leticia went to Downtown Disney and I took Marcos and Monica to Bahama Breeze, where we met up with the rest of the family. You put together more than five of us together, and it's a party. We were a party of 8 at the restaurant. We stayed there until the closed, talking and laughing and being obnoxiously loud. Our poor waiter suffered, having to wait until we left to clean all that up. Plus, he made the mistake of trying to flirt with me, poor boy. My family laughed and laughed at him.

Brian and Cinthia didn't make it into the picture

After leaving Bahama Breeze well after 2 am, we went back to my mom's house and literally pulled an all nighter. Lucky Marcos went back to the hotel, but Monica and all the rest of the family packed into my mom's bedroom and spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and telling good stories.

Eventually it was time for my mom to go to work and I had to take Monica back to the hotel to pack. After packing, we went shopping even more. Do you see where I get my shopaholic trait from?? They still wanted to visit Apple and GNC, so I took them to Florida Mall. Finally, they wore out. We went back to my mom's house, weighed the bags, ate, and headed out to the airport. After dropping them off at the airport, it was to the bus stop for me.

I love my family so much. I can't wait to see them again!

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