Sunday, June 23, 2013

Brunna's Book Club -- Tell No Lies & Keep No Secrets

Have you ever read one of those books that is so good, you just can't set it down?

I just did!

So I get a free book from the Kindle Lending Library every month. This month, I got Tell No Lies by Julie Compton

And it was so so so so good! It had everything I could ever want for: fiery romance, self-doubt, being torn between decisions, politics, lawyers, courtrooms, crimes, drama, rumors, lies, falling in love with your best friend, dealing with family issues, news exaggerating everything, and more. It was wonderful and I couldn't stop reading this legal thriller.

It's about this awesome, idealistic, believes the world is a good place prosecutor Jack Hilliard. After his boss and friend, the DA, resigns, Jack is the ideal man for the job. He also has a superb marriage with his amazing wife Claire, and has two sons, Jamie and Michael. He also has a super hot best friend, Jenny Dodson, who he just might have a thing for. He ends up falling in love with his best friend and is faced with some serious temptations and problems. Eventually, Jenny gets charged with murdering one of her clients (she's also a lawyer, but at a private firm instead) and ends up facing a super crazy trial.

It was such a good novel, that when I finished reading it and the Kindle offered to sell me the sequel, I hit buy without even checking the price.

Keep No Secrets might have had more drama and suspense than Tell No Lies had. It's four years later, Jenny has been nowhere to be seen since the end of the last book and Jack has managed to rebuild his marriage and career. Then one night he catches his son, Michael, and his son's girlfriend, Celeste, who looks so very much like the lovely Jennifer Dodson, messing around, drunk. He takes the girl home, and later on the week, finds out that she has pressed legal charges against him for raping her. Jack's life gets flipped upside down once again as he ends up on the opposite side of the law yet again and Jenny finds her way back into town, asking for his help.

So so so so good!!!! I definitely recommend it!

Also, as a P.S. I have decided that I'm going to start a sort of blog book club. So every now and then, I haven't decided how often yet, I will post a book or author that I like with a review and recommend it to you guys. Consider these two your first Brunna's Book Club novels!

Happy reading!

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