Friday, June 28, 2013

Pitbull and Kesha Morning After

The concert last night was AWESOME!!!

We had quite the adventure yesterday.

After the forgetting everything debacle, we left from Alexa's place to go to Aaron's Amphitheater. Somehow, we managed to pick up 3 teenager (probably barely out of middle school) hitchhikers who also happened to be going to the concert. Good thing too, because we wouldn't have had enough money for parking if they hadn't pitched in!

After we got to the amphitheater and parted ways with our hitchhikers, we met Mami Chula from the radio!

We then made our way out to the green, because we're broke teenagers and could only afford lawn seats. We had plenty of fun jamming to Kesha and making fun of all the middle school girls dressed in tacky, revealing, and plain not-cute outfits (Seriously, Kesha fans have no taste. There were girls running around in really high tutus that showed their underwear, a girl with a male 'part' drawn on her back, girls wearing Victoria's Secret underwear with nothing but those lacy, designed stockings over it, and too many more horrible outfits to count.) Not to mention that Kesha herself had plenty of expletives to share herself. I'm sure all the middle schoolers' chaperones were appalled. Not a big fan.

Although this one girl did manage to get an amazing photobomb in while Alexa and I were snapping selfies!

Props to her!

It was easy to pick out the fans too. Kesha's fans all looked like tacky middle schoolers and Pitbull's fans were dressed in heels and clubbing dresses. Two very distinct artists and groups of fans. I arrived not really being a part of either group, but I left as a Pitbull fan!

I mean come on, the man is always in a suit. And it is a known fact that men in suits are just better. Class over swag any day. Plus, his part of the concert was incredibly turned up. I had so much fun!

But I'm going to back track just a little bit. The concert was so much more eventful than that.

During the Kesha part of the show, Alexa and I ran into my cousin, Aglaia, and her friends. They ended up leaving and paying the extra $10 to get into the VIP section, which was really just the covered part of the amphitheater that was closer to the stage.

Aglaia and I

We eventually joined them, and just in time too. Less than 15 minutes after we moved into VIP, the apocalyptic rain that has daily been hitting Atlanta came in full force.

We were well into the amphiteater and less than 5 minutes after the rain started came this stream of water coursing through the seats and aisles. Plenty of people lost their drinks that they had left on the floor.

People from the lawn also came streaming in. It was pouring rain and no one wants to be wet at a concert. And it was no big deal. It was during intermission and people were just chilling anyways. The people packed in!

But of course, every party has its pooper. There was this one lady there, that I'm pretty sure was already tipsy by this point, who decided she was the concert police. She got up from her seat, went into the crowd of wet concert goers that escaped into the VIP section, and started yelling at them, telling them they had to leave. It was ridiculous. She was yelling and cursing and getting all up in people's faces. It was absolutely ridiculous. I wanted to slap the lady and kick her out myself.

Of course, before the concert started up again, security came through and put everyone back where their tickets designated them, but she was so sure that she was the reason why they all left. It was so annoying. I was furious that she couldn't just sit down and enjoy the show like everyone else. Although after my initial anger died down, I did feel bad for her. I can't imagine having the kind of life that you can't enjoy a simple concert without causing confusion. I couldn't help but wonder what was it about her life that was so unsatisfactory that she has to find satisfaction from ruining others' experiences. I said a quick Hail Mary for her after I realized that, and tucked her away in my mental list of people to pray for.

She later came up to me during the show and apologized (because at one point I told her to stop bullying people and she called me a skinny b****... She wasn't exactly the tiniest person on the planet so I suppose that was meant as an insult) and at this point was completely drunk. She started telling me about her husband, her breakdowns, and her grandson. She also fist bumped me and told me no hard feelings. I doubt she remembers our conversation today, but that was just a lesson to me that you never know what anyone else is going through and you can't judge them by their actions.

Our heart to heart happened towards the middle of Pitbull's show, and boy was that show awesome!

I tried so hard to get a good picture of him on stage! I was jumping up and down, dancing, and screaming with all I had. It was a really good show. I'm pretty sure that when he started calling out all the Latin American countries, I shouted myself hoarse when he said Brasil.

After the show ended, Alexa and I hit up Waffle House before crashing at her place.

I had a lot of fun and it was totally worth only getting three hours of sleep before work!

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