Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brunna's Book Club -- Twenty Somewhere

I have decided that our book club will be a weekly thing... Hopefully.

This week's book is Twenty-Somewhere by Kristan Hoffman

It's narrated kinda funny, but I like it. The story jumps around from the three girls' points of view and it's a great initiation into the real world story. 

It's about three long time friends who have just finished college and are moving on with their 'real' lives. One girl moves in with her boyfriend and stays at home aspiring to be a writer. The other gets a job at a prominent company. The third moves to England for grad school. They manage to somewhat keep in touch and the reader follows their lives along through their career and social (read boy) adventures and problems. It's really one of those novels that gives the reader realistic and relate-able characters.

While the writing style took a few chapters to get used to, the overall story was a really good one. I definitely recommend it.

Let me know what you guys think about about this novel! And I'm always open to new book recommendations!!

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