Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pitbull and Kesha!!!

Guess who's going to a concert tonight???

That's right, this girl!!!

I am soooo excited!!! ...Or at least I am now that I remembered about it.

I have had the most forgetful day ever! I woke up this morning and when I got into my car, I realized that I had forgotten that my tank was empty. Then when I got to work, Karima called me because I forgot that I had to pick her up to bring her to work. Then at around 5, Alexa texts me asking what time I was picking her up to go to the concert... I had forgotten all about it! Good thing too, or else work would have gone by super slow and today was a good day at work.

Anyways, now it's getting ready for show time!

Thank goodness I always keep extra clothes in my car!

I'm actually not a big Pitbull or Kesha fan. All I know by them is probably I Know You Want It and Tick Tock. But the tickets were super cheap on Groupon and why not right? So tonight, Alexa and I are going to be dancing the night away to them. Hopefully she knows more music by them than I do!

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